Thursday, July 25, 2013

Finished, in Detail

Several folks have posted great photographs of finished class pieces, with plenty of detail visible.  The first piece is Sandy Arthur's To the Beach, stitched so well by Brenda that it was used as promotion for the Rehoboth Beach Museum's annual needlework exhibit.

I think Sandy is still teaching this piece.  Yes, she is!

The other class project is one of Melissa Shirley's new bird and branch designs, just taught at Enriched Stitch in late June.  It is called Bird Stories and the stitches are shown in great detail in the photographs. I am sure the shop can get the stitch guide and kit together for you if you are as charmed by this as I am.

Finally, how about these lovely pillows from M Designs?  I am not sure if all of them are Mary's original designs but at least some are.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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