Monday, August 26, 2013

The Caron Guide

Looks like Caron has published a color guide to both their solid colored threads and the overdyes.

Judie from Alex Paras says that the Variegated Color Guide is not available right now from her online shop.  She also told me that the Variegated and Solid Color Guides are a color card with good photos of each currently available color and has tips for each thread on the back page.  Folks who love collecting color cards should see if their local shop has these in stock.

Caron does have an online color card and a section of their website about their thread lines but the online photos of the colors are small, so this physical color card may be very useful for mail order.  Besides, who is online all the time anyway?

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


Sara Leigh said...

Hahaha. Precisely. Who is online all the time? Oh, that apparently is me. Well, maybe not all the time.

I agree, their online color card leaves a lot to be desired. I'm going to have to get my hands on this new color guide.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

SL, Judie sent me a photo of the back of the solid color guide to show the thread information in these things. The back has thread equivalents so you know that Impressions is between #8 and #12 perle cotton in size (for example) and what size canvas and how many strands to use with a certain thread. Useful stuff, particularly to a shop owner I would think, or someone who has to mail order everything. If you get them, let me know what you think, ok? I am curious how good the photos are at matching the general look of their threads, particularly Watercolours.