Saturday, August 19, 2017

Basketweave Turkeywork

Michele at Bristly Thistle has a tip for those who hate turkeywork but need some on one of their canvases—stitch it the Susan Portra way.  Basically you just do basketweave but leave big loops on top of the canvas.  I suspect this works best in smaller areas as I can see holding a ton of loops out of the way would get difficult if you were doing this in a big space.  Of course you could use non-tacky tape to hold the loops out of the way.

If you loathe turkeywork, this is something to try.  Thanks, Susan, Sally and Michele!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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© Copyright July 24, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


lewmew said...

Okay - I thought everyone did this. How else do you do it?

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

There are a lot of ways to do turkeywork. Some use tent stitch as the basis, some use other stitches. There's a section in the "Tips and Tutorials" tab on Turkeywork. Look under Stitches to find it. I've got to organize this stuff better. I've already moved beading, needle felting and embellishment out of Tips and Tutorials. Anyone have better ideas how to make stuff easier to find?