Sunday, September 30, 2018

Why Finishers Charge So Much

If you ever wondered why on earth finishers charge so much, just watch Vanna Pfieffer (The Twisted Stitcher) finish a standup.  It takes her nearly an hour and twenty minutes, plus she doesn't show everything.  AND she's very practiced at this.

Personally I think finishers are worth their weight in gold—and more!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright July 19, 2018 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


LIZ said...

Better yet, try doing your own finishing! It's a LOT of work and takes loads of practice before you get it right. That being said, it seems that framing is getting to be the least expensive option!

Dawn B said...

I love watching Vonna's videos - she has taught me so much. It's very scary to take a pair of scissors to someone's needlework that has been done with such love & care. I've finished several ornaments and owe my success to Vonna. I agree - finishers are worth their weight in gold!