Friday, August 2, 2024

Google Strikes Again (AND AGAIN AND AGAIN)

Yesterday morning I added a link to Mary Legallet's latest blog article to my summary article on how to cover a painted canvas entirely in one stitch.  Here's the link-

In response, Google removed the article entirely, claiming it violated their policy.  Mary, have you been a very bad girl? 

Seriously, this is beginning to be a serious problem.  Google doesn't like educational articles with a lot of links and information, which is really what Blog is all about--educating needlepointers with information and links to articles that cover the issues needlepointers want to learn about.  

I have, as usual, protested this removal.  So far, I haven't gotten a response so if you click on "Covering a Painted Canvas Entirely With Squares," you'll get a notice that this article doesn't exist.  

Sorry, but Google is a huge bureaucracy, with odd rules and no accountability.  All I can do is try repost the article as a regular one and see if that works.  UPDATE: I tried that and Google removed the reposting a second time for "violating community guidelines."  ?????

I am protesting this.  Again.  

UPDATE:  I have deleted the original Cover a Canvas Entirely in Squares and added it as a new tab.  It was immediately removed.  I have protested that.  Again.  Sigh.

UPDATE #2:  Finally Google has decided that there's nothing that violates their community guidelines and allowed the new version of the Covering a Painted Canvas Entirely With Squares to go live.  I think the problem was the link to ask Google to review such a determination didn't work when I tried it originally.  In that case, copying the offending article, deleting the original, and reposting it again in an identical form was the only way to make the review happen.  It took nearly three days, mind.  I am still annoyed!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright August 2, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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