Last night I finished laying 4 plies of white Gloriana silk across the cotton perle padding to make the latticework and finish the wisteria teapot. I am not 100% happy with how it looks as the white painted area varies a bit from area to area and that is noticable, making the latticework a bit uneven. But since there is nothing I can do about it, I will let it alone. I don't think anyone but me will notice this. I'm quite pleased with it otherwise, although I think now the little bit of brown Accentuate I added here and there on the wisteria vine stem was unnecessary.
Now it goes into the pile of finishing! Which somehow is getting larger, not smaller!
In totally unrelated news, I got a note from Yahoo this morning that Yahoo 360 is shutting down the second week of July. I will have to move the blog contents from here to their new "social networking" site. I'm going to do this because there are more visitors to the Yahoo 360 blog than the Blogspot one, and I know many of you can't see Blogspot. But there will be changes. You'll have to go to a new address and I think some things (like the keyword tags) will disappear. Bear with me while I try and figure out how to do this. I'll keep everyone informed and once all the settings are done, I'll copy/paste the Yahoo 360 blog over and we'll see how it works.
Stay tuned! But if you hate change, you might want to try out the Blogspot blog. At least I know it works. I always post the Blogspot address at the end of each message.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
What a wonderful gift for your mom! Don't give the lattice outcome another thought. It's the Wisteria and the Branches which are the star of the show, and they are fabulous. I clicked for a close-up look, and I do like the Accentuate. Great job, Jane!
I just have to ask. Who has trouble seeing/accessing Blogspot?
P.S. Teapot is lovely! Makes me smile.
I think it's lovely and will make a great gift. The lattice work is especially good.
I'm glad you like the latticework, Nancy. It is my least favorite part of the project so knowing someone likes it makes me feel better about how I think it looks. Thanks!
Donna, several people do have trouble. I often wonder if it is related to their bandwidth as I think the Blogspot blog needs more time to load than the more minimal Yahoo 360 blog. But several people say they can't view Blogspot and far more read Blog at Yahoo 360 anyway by a margin of about 10 to one.
Thanks, Robin. I think the Accentuate overkill but if you like it, then it's ok.
Jane, waving from CH where Cats Rule (at least that's what Tommy Cat says to tell you)
I like the teapot! Your mom will be thrilled! After I moved to Blogspot, I found that my readers did in fact follow me.
Good tip, Pat. I know several faithful readers can't follow, so I may see if I can move the Yahoo 360 material to another blog at Wordsmith or something.
Glad you like the teapot. For 3-4 years now I've kept my mother supplied with a chai tea mix she loves so the teapot ornament will adorn a wrapped package of more of it. Hopefully she'll hang it in her kitchen or perhaps in the living room with her display of blue and white china. I hope!
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