Monday, November 16, 2009

Background Grows Slowly

I've continued working on the background around the Noh drama mask.  As you can see in the photograph, about a third of it is done.  It is very slow going but I am also thinking about the stitches and threads for the main part of the piece and trying to decide whether to finish the eyes before I start anything else.

I'm also thinking about a possible border to this piece.  I have a gorgeous skein of Watercolours (three ply cotton) in a shade called Chili (#217) which a friend sent me thinking that it would be perfect for O'jishi.  [Many thanks!]  Chili 217 is really shades of coral and it is a good match to the coral colors in O'jishi.  I am wondering if I could do a faux bamboo border around him?  Sort of like what SharonG did around one of her canvases.  (Click on the photo for a better view.)  Wonder if bamboo would look strange in shades of coral?

I'm also thinking I might just continue a set of alternating cashmere pairs in my Watercolors and make a border that way....

That'll be easy to test stitch and rip if necessary.  I'll try it later this week once I am really sick of backgrounds.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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NCPat said...

I like the bamboo border that Sharon did and here's a thought: Use one of the golds that you are planning to use in the mask and use one of the reds like she did to separate for drama. Or, use your cashmere stitch colors and use a gold for the red.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thank you, Pat! Very good ideas.