Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Embroidered Box

Have you seen the fancy covered boxes of the 17th Century here and there?

Tricia Nguyen is talking about the work that went into her reproduction casket class on her blog.  There are only four short entries so far, so it'll be easy for you to catch up on the story and then bookmark the site to see how a casket class was born and gain insights into these wonderful boxes made and then decorated with all kinds of embroidery 400 years ago.

Want to see some embroidered caskets?  Choose a link from this list and click.

Here's a bit about the Cabinet of Curiosities Class, which is sadly full.  I believe there is a sign up sheet for a second class, assuming that Tricia can get all the materials again.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

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