Friday, February 10, 2012

The Two-Toned SOTM

If you've been listening to folks at the ANG email list decide to do their SOTM project in a cat or square or any other shape than the original heart, you probably thought things couldn't deviate any more. WRONG!

Scarlet Thread has come up with a two toned colorways for the project, which is red in the original model.  They have restocked the purple, red and blue color sets they have assembled, too.  Check it all out here.

The inventiveness of needlepointers is beyond anything you can imagine!

By the way, Scarlet Thread is working the SOTM project slightly differently than in a heart shape.  If you want to do something a bit differently, you might like to see what Sarea Leigh says about her progress.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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