Friday, September 7, 2012

RIbbons in the Air UPDATED

Some days everyone is talking about the same thing!  Today ribbons are in the air. No sooner did I hear about two new ribbons from SJ Designs than Orna Willis posted about a great ribbon source.

Palma just bought narrow satin ribbon from SJ Designs, better known for their beads.  Having loaded up on beads from Susan Johnson several times, I can vouch for her customer service and superb beads.

Palma also bought a metallic thread I'd never heard of called Gala, and promises to report back on how it stitches up.  Looks like it only comes in silver and gold.

As soon as I found the above links, Orna Willis posted this--if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go check out Renaissance Ribbons!

UPDATE:  See Palma's comments in the Comment section below.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


palma said...

I loved to work with SJ ribbon but I have to say it is stiffer than other ribbons but the effect is worth the effort. I stitched van Dyke with it and it looks awesome. To make working with it easier I recommend using a large needle with a large eye.
As for Gala, it is beautiful, but as far as I am concerned, it is only to be couched. If I find a way to stitch with it and how to do it I'll update you.
Thanks for mentioning me Jane :)

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks for the update, Palma, and the tips. It did look like Gala was couch only but like British colored twist, that's ok by me! It looks lovely too.