Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fourth March, Needlepoint Now and Thread Help

If you are one of the folks who plans to stitch Ashley Dillon's Fourth of July March canvas using Susan Portra's stitch guide which Needlepoint Now magazine is publishing, you'll want to read about the alternate navy threads available for the design.   Vicky DeAngelis who works for the magazine has posted alternatives for the Anchor #12 perle listed in the guide that has been discontinued.

Threads go out of production all the time.  I've had two vanish almost before I had the guides using them written!  Many thanks to NP Now for coming up with Finca #12 perle cotton and a tatting thread, either of which will substitute nicely if your local shop doesn't have the original Anchor cotton perle available still.

By the way, Ashley has a new Valentine's March design which Vicky shows off, just in case you are interested.  Cupid and attendant nymphs, a blue bird, roses and hearts are everywhere!  Here's another look from the Susan Roberts' website, with all the March series shown if you haven't seen them all yet.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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