Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Palma's Collages

As some of Blog readers already know, Palma Seljan loves the collages from Lani Enterprises.  With Palma's permission I've collected photographs of the collages she's finished and am posting them here for you to enjoy.  By the way, if you are interested in seeing more of Lani's collages, check out her website.

The newest collages from last winter are here but the Easter collage Palma is going to blog-stitch here  is not on the Lani website yet as it is brand new.

Now, let's see what Palma has done to date.


The most recent finished collage is Horses.  She just finished it last month.


Gourmet Framed

Before that Palma stitched Gourmet which has been framed.


Wine Framed

Wine is pretty amazing!  It was also framed.

The Sailboat Table

Sailboat might be my favorite as it just screams Ocean!  It was made into a table top.

The Alice Table

Alice was the first collage Palma stitched.  She was hooked!  It was also made into a table top.

If you have a Facebook account, friend Palma Seljan to see more of her incredible detail in these collages in her FB photo albums.

So which one is your favorite?

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright October 7, 2014 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Just this morning I was thinking of asking on the Needlepoint Facebook page if anyone has seen the Alice collage stitched! These are amazing. I love both the tables!!!!
Nancy P

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

I think you've been living right, Nancy, as yesterday I finally got around to downloading Palma's photos (with her permission) to post them all here this morning. Do visit her Facebook page for more detailed closeups.