Friday, August 24, 2012

Need a Project Safe? UPDATED

I'd totally forgotten about project safes, the DIY custom protection you can make for each project that needs to stay safe on its stretcher bars until you can get back to it. Ruth lays out how she makes hers on her blog.   It doesn't look too hard, actually.

Here's the September 2010 issue of Needlepoint Now that has instructions.  If you don't own a copy but want one, mouse over "Back Issues" at the top of the page and you will find purchase instructions for back issues.

BfromM corrected me.  The project is in NeedlePointers.

Many thanks for the correction!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


Donna said...

I never once regretted stopping to take the time to make a safe place to stash my Stars while I was working on it.

I don't think it's necessary to make lots of these, but if you've got a complicated project that you know will be hanging around for a while, this is a terrific insurance policy on it not coming to harm.

BFromM said...

Actually, the article is in Needlepointers
I bought foam core to make them, and we have plenty of duct tape around, but the safes are still part of my unstarted projects!