Thursday, November 30, 2017

Tramme', Beautiful Tramme'

This week I've seen two different mentions of shops that carry tramme canvases.   The first is Jeannettes Needlecraft in Montreal, Canada.

The second is Spinning Jenny in Yorkshire in the UK.

Did I hear someone ask what is tramme?  Jeannettes has a great explanation page.

Tramme' wears like iron and is one of the traditional ways of doing needlepoint.  It's fun to learn more about it, even if you never plan to stitching any canvas prepared this way.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright October 11, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Creating Plaid in Needlepoint UPDATED

Creating your own plaid pattern in needlepoint can be quite interesting and fun. Chottie Alderson was the first to describe an easy way to create a plaid pattern on needlepoint canvas with tent stitches.  This is a brief explanation of how Chottie's Plaid is made.

Here is a more elaborate plaid, also done in Chottie's Plaid stitch.

ANG's diagram of Chottie's Plaid is drawn from Chottie's own information.


UPDATE:  Sorry, ANG has totally cut off access to their Stitch of the Month diagrams except for 2017's information.  You can only see this if you are an ANG member.  This is totally crazy in my opinion.  How on earth do you recruit new members if you don't let anyone see what you offer?!  If you are an ANG member or potential member and would like to protest this, you may email ANG's management company here.

There doesn't appear to be any way of contacting ANG's officers directly.


What you are doing is filling an area in skip tent stitch using the colors you want for your plaid.  Let's say you want a blue and orange checkerboard effect with a thin black dividing line between the two main colors of blue and orange.  Then you will do 7 rows of blue, one row of black, 7 rows of orange and one of black, then work 7 blue rows again and repeat the sequence until the area is covered with skip tent.

When the entire space you want to be plaid is covered in skip tent, you turn the canvas 90 degrees so that the top is now on the left or right side (doesn't matter which), and fill in the empty canvas threads in the same color sequence—which in this case is 7 blue rows, 1 black row, 7 orange rows, 1 black row, repeat.

How do you figure out the rows and colors?  That's something you have to work out in your mind or on graph paper.  However, there is something called a birthday plaid that does the sequence for you.

First, pick your colors.  Let's do purple, pink, lime and turquoise this time.  Now choose a birthdate, your phone number, the street address or zip code, etc.  Any number sequence will do.  I will choose 72180.  Now I will work 7 rows of purple, 2 of pink, 1 of lime, and eight of turquoise.  When you come to zero in your sequence you can drop it or do ten rows.  I don't want 17 rows of purple so I will drop the zero and just work 7218.  The fun is you won't know what the plaid will look like until you have the entire skip tent done with the canvas upright and you have some rows of the second skip tent sequence done with the canvas turned on its side.

I do recommend you limit your colors to 4-5.  That makes for a more coherent plaid pattern.  I also think alternating wide bands of color with narrow ones makes for a more pleasing design.  If you want help, look for Marion Pakula's book on plaids…

…or try to find Chottie Aldersen's Chottie's Plaid 1 and Chottie's Plaid 2.

You may find Donna's Halloween spider plaid fun.

Here are the EGA free project instructions that Donna used.

This makes a really fun teaching project for kids who want to master the tent stitch.  They can pick their color and numbers, then fill in a shape that can be made up into a quick ornament or coaster if you use plastic canvas and glue felt on the back side.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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 Copyright October 9, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

It's Starting to Look a Lot Like Christmas….

It is starting to look a lot like Christmas, now that Kreinik's Micro Ice Chenille comes in Christmas red and green!

 Perfect garland thread if you couch it on your Christmas canvas.  Merry Christmas, Kreinik!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 27, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

The Snag Nab-It (and a Substitute) UPDATED

Someone mentioned how useful the Snag Nag-It can be if you have a stray thread that's worked its way to the front of a piece. Here is what it looks like.

UPDATE:  Here's a video that shows how it works.

If it seems too fat for your canvas, try using a short length of Kreinik size 4 very fine braid.  Thread it in a needle without a knot on the end and pull the metallic thread all the way through the hole to the back. It will catch any stray lengths and pull them along.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright August 30, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 27, 2017

All About Pepper Pot

Suzie at Enriched Stitch says that Pepper Pot Silk is her best-selling thread in the shop.  It is wildly popular, but like Suzie, I find it too thick for 18 count.  If I ply it, it works, but it will have slubs and thick/thin spots.  Regardless, you'll want to check this thread out and read Suzie's information.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright August 17, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Au Ver a Soie Goes Metallic UPDATED

Au Ver A Soie's Metallic Braid

You may have seen Mary Corbet's review of the metallic braid that Au Ver a Soie makes and been intrigued.  I know I was!

Luckily I got my hands on a spool of the Au Ver A Soie metallic courtesy of a friend who bought some from Ruth Schmuff's store. I don't know what other colors or sizes Ruth has as this isn't on her website yet, but you can check with the shop.

I stitched with my Au Ver a Soie gold metallic in size 12 braid this week.  It is a nice flexible thread, not stiff like Kreinik metallics.   It is called Metallise Tresse'.  The end frays a bit as you work with it in the needle's eye. In the photo above you can see the fraying that happened as I handled it. If you cut it off the spool the cut ends don't fray until you handle it a bit or stitch with it.  My spool is color 002 which is similar to Kreinik's Aztec Gold 202 or Citrine 3280; it is more brassy-gold than Kreinik's 002 gold.

It's not a plyable thread--filaments can be pulled from Kreinik metallics if necessary but I don't think you can do so with the AVAS metallic braid--but it compresses.  I compared it to Kreinik size 12 and it's a bit bigger in diameter—although a tad smaller than Kreinik's size 16. But it squeezes down as you stitch with it if you pull tightly.  I tent stitched with the AVAS metallic on size 18 canvas next to tent stitches done with several colors of size 8 perle cotton.  My gold tent stitches are only a tiny bit larger than my size 8 perle cotton ones.

If you want to try this thread, besides Bedecked and Beadazzled, Needle in a Haystack in California carries this thread in a variety of colors and sizes.  The shop also plans a club with a lot of colors later this year once Au Ver A Soie has plenty of colors stocked and available (second link below).

The French Needle also carries several colors in size 4, 8 and 16.  I can highly recommend Bedecked and Beadazzled and Needle in a Haystack, but I have heard The French Needle ships quickly and does good customer service as well.  I just don't have personal experience with this shop.

Is this going to replace Kreinik?  No.  It doesn't have the color range that Kreinik has and right now it is limited in availability.  But if you are doing surface stitches or working on cloth instead of needlepoint canvas,  it is a very good choice because it is much less stiff than Kreinik.   For those who don't like the way Kreinik curls off the spool but who are hesitant to use a flat iron on their metallic, this is a good substitute.  All in all, I think this is a great thread to add to our stash.  Now I just need to finish up my current project and figure out how to use this on my next!

UPDATE:  Inspirations Magazine is selling a set of the AVAS metallics, if you are in Australia or New Zealand.

UPDATE #2:  Mary Corbet adds more information about this lovely thread.

UPDATE #3:  Mary points out that the colors available make metallic shading (something we don't do that we should) easy.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright October 12, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

The Petit Point Perfume Bottle

Nancy posted a photo on Facebook's Needlepoint Nation group of a perfume bottle decorated with petit point.  One of her friends has an antique mall and has this for sale.  It appears to be Austrian and is around one hundred years old.

This is the first perfume bottle I've ever seen with needlepoint although the pink rose and blue small flower motif is common.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright October 7, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

All about Kreinik's Ombre Thread

Kreinik's latest blog post highlights their Ombre, which is a soft blend of colors.

There are more colors available now than there used to be and the blending is perfect if you want shading without much work.  I've always thought we don't use metallic color blending as much as we should.  Ombre is an easy way to do the color blending without work—and Easy is my middle name!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright July 18, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Anna Talks Decorating with Needlepoint

The British needlepoint designer and teacher Anna Pearson has written a long, fun article about decorating your home with needlepoint. It's full of good ideas to help you figure out what will work for your own abode.  Anna uses her own designs as examples but the principles she lays out will work for any designer's work — or even your own original creations.

Thanks, Anna!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright October 5, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Thursday, November 23, 2017


Scarlett Johannsen on the Cover of Cosmo

No, I have not been asked to be a cover girl for Cosmopolitan magazine!  (I'd fit right in, though, don't you think?)

Not that long ago a friend [Hi, SL!] told me about Cosmo, a six ply Japanese cotton floss, which she said is very silky to stitch with, and which comes in an amazing range of shades of color.  She also told me I could buy it at a quilt shop over the mountain from my house.  So when I needed to take the dog to the vet's offices only a short distance from the quilt shop, I made a visit.  

Six Pink Cosmo Skeins

This is what I bought--six skeins of shades of pink.  The quilt shop sells them for $1.10 each so I ended up paying $6.83 since I have to pay state tax as well.  The amazing thing was that there were at least 15-20 shades of pink to choose from!  Plus Cosmo comes in variegated colors. This is great news for those looking for a huge range of one color for designs like Patricia Spence's "Twister"which requires seven shades of one color.  

For those who don't live near me or near any quilt shops (as far as I know this is a thread carried mostly by quilt stores), the shop I visited has an online store.  They carry all 442 solid Cosmo colors and the 80 variegated shades.  (They also carry Presencia's Finca perle cotton in both size 8 and size 12.)

I found a bit more about the thread plus a DMC conversion chart here.

According to this website, Cosmo has a small metallic thread line called Sparkles.  This I haven't seen.

I've stitched with my Cosmo floss several times since then and find it very high quality.   The color range is amazing (although not every color has as many variations as the reds, blues, and purples).  I think if you are stitching something that needs lots of shades, this is the thread to use.

UPDATE:  Rittenhouse has a little video on this wonderful cotton floss.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 17, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Happy Thanksgiving

Melissa Shirley's "Turkey Family"

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  As always I am grateful for all my needlepoint friends.  I hope you have a stress free day, full of good food, happy people, and of course a little stitching time.

(The turkey family canvas is from Melissa Shirley Designs, stitched by Carolyn Hedge Baird.)

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 22, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

The Story Behind Melissa Prince Pumpkins

Melissa Prince just posted the story behind her signature blue and white pumpkins on her Facebook page.  Fun!

If you aren't familiar with her pumpkins, check her website to see them in person.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 1, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

More about Copyright UPDATED

A Member of Facebook's Administrator Group posted this link to an article about copyright that explores the myths people believe justify their use of other people's work.  It's technical but not so much so that it isn't understandable by non-legal folks.

UPDATE:  Ruth Schmuff just posted her own take about copyright.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright August 12, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Breaking News: Curtis Boehringer Has Died

I'm sorry to say that the rumor going around that the designer Curtis Boehringer has died is true. Apparently his sister announced his death on November 17th on her Facebook page without any details except for his passing.  My condolences to his family.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 21, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Need a Beach Tote for the Stitching?

Bohicket Road is starting a Kickstarter fund raiser.  If you love their craft and travel organizers, you might be interested in this.  Thanks for letting me know, Susan!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 21, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

M.R.S. Embroidery's Trestle Frames UPDATED

Folks who live in Great Britain or who prefer trestle style frames will want to read what Kathy at The Unbroken Thread has to say about the new trestle stands from M.R. S. Embroidery.

Trestle floor frames are made to lay your stretcher bars flat on top, then stitch with both hands, one above and one below the needlework.  These look solid and they easily come apart to be stored flat against a wall, under a bed, or behind furniture.  Nice job, Magda!

UPDATE:  The shop has a Facebook page (complete with a photo of the elf who makes the frames-LOL) and will have a review from An Unbroken Thread shortly!  Stay tuned….

Here's a glimpse behind the scenes while we wait for Kathy to play with her new frame and write a review.

UPDATE #2:  Kathy's review~   Now I want some!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 30, 2016 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Jane Turns Green with Envy

Today I'm really envious of Robin King who got to visit Quail Run Needlework in Scottsdale, Arizona.  Actually, I'm envious of the folks in her class, too!  Robin is very inspiring and inventive.

Then Robin made a stop at Atlanta's Nimble Needle, to teach and of course do a little tour of the shop.  Fun!

Of course we can always visit the shop websitse and Robin's stitch guides will be available to all of us shortly.

Don't you wish Robin needed us to carry her luggage or something?!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright October 2, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Bead Conversion Charts

Oh, look! Mary Corbet has posted a list of bead conversion links!  The conversion charts give you color equivalencies between thread brands and bead brands (or between bead brands) so you can substitute threads for beads (and vice versa) or change brands if that's all that you have available, and also makes it easy to order long distance.  You can call your favorite shop and ask for a Mill Hill bead that you know is close to DMC color number X for your next project, for example.

Thanks once again, Mary!

Written by Jane/Chilly
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© Copyright August 23, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

A Needlepointer in a Commercial

Thanks to Barbara I can share the YouTube version of a commercial for an eczema cream—that features a needlepointer!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 18, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Need a Button or Charm?

If you have a canvas that needs a button or charm, take a look at the range available from Susan Clarke Originals.  Make sure you have your favorite beverage and some time to browse before you click on the link to their website.

I mentioned this because Abigail Cecile asked for a place to find cute charms.  I can't post a comment to her blog —the process involves setting up a new account with SquareSpace which I don't want to do—so I thought I'd just tell everyone and maybe someone will mention it to Abby.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright August 2, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Introducing Anne Fisher Needlepoint

There's a new designer in town! Meet Anne Fisher.

She does classic designs.  Pour a cup of your morning (or evening) beverage and watch the slide show!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 15, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Holiday Owls Mystery from Bedecked and Beadazzled UPDATED

Ruth has announced the Christmas mystery class at Bedecked and Beadazzled— Brooke Connor's "Holiday Owls."

The class starts in December.  As always, I'll update this article as Ruth posts updates on the various class lessons.

Ruth started with the little owl faces and the purple vest.

The second lesson Ruth tackled feathers in an unexpected way (and stitched the pink hat, which I want to wear!).

The third lesson adds wings and a hat.  One more lesson to go!

And the final touches are beaded ivy and pompoms, not to mention snowflakes in the background!

UPDATE:  Here are four versions, all finished differently.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 29, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Doodlin' Around Designs Lap Table and Floor Table

Doodlin' Around Designs now has a lap table and a floor table perfect for stitchers who need something in their laps or pulled up to their stitching chair.

As always when considering a floor stand, think about where you stitch—will the stand work there?  And think about what you stitch. If you usually work very large pieces you will need something much steadier than someone who does pieces smaller than 10 inches most of the time.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 27, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Celebrity Needlepoint Sightings

Scrim Needlepoint's Facebook account had two celebrity needlepointer mentions today. First up, Martha Washington!

Then Henry Fonda!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 27, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

A Source for Old Needlepoint Magazines

Velona Needlecraft in California stocks issues of old needlepoint magazines like Needlepoint News and Needlepoint Plus, but copies of ANG's Needle Pointers and the current magazine Needlepoint Now.  They are quite expensive but if the back issue you want is no longer available from Needlepoint Now or ANG, or you want one of the issues from the defunct Needlepoint News/Plus, this is a good place to check if eBay searches aren't turning up the one you need.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 27, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Smart Cookie Award for November

November's Smart Cookie Award goes to Beverly, who used custom leather pet name tags with her family Christmas stockings.  Beverly has her initials and the date and the recipient's initials put on a tag and stitched inside the stocking.  Discrete but durable and a very clever use of these little name tags.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 25, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Interview with Jude of Spicy Designs

Kreinik has posted a short little video interview with Jude of Jude Designs on their Facebook page.

Here is Jude's website.  It is THE place to find New Orleans and Cajun-themed designs but there is a lot more, like the new football stadium series.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 25, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Brief History of Needle Works in Austin

Debbie at Painted Pony is stitch stitching away on her barn but as she stitches, she tosses out tidbits of history and funny stories. You'll love hearing about her bald angel and the long history of the Needle Works in Austin, Texas!

Here's The Needle Work's website if you want to explore a little more.

And here is the original article about Debbie's barn raising, just so you can keep up with all she did to create a fun model for Painted Pony.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 25, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Lettering on a Christmas Stocking

Needlepoint for Fun's latest article is how to put names on Christmas stockings.  Their tips are useful but you should know that some shops will put names on stockings for their customers.  They hire an artist to paint on the lettering style the customer prefers.  If you have a local shop and a stocking that needs a name, make sure you ask if they offer this service.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 22, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Breaking News: Ann Spiess Mills Designs Available Again!

Japanese Angel

Starting in January 2018, Tapestry Fair will start bringing back the designs of Ann Spiess Mills.  Ann's designs were one of a kind, so Tapestry Fair has to borrow unstitched canvases from private stashes to reproduce the patterns.  This means only a few will be available at first.

Sewing Nun

But if you are an Ann Collector and have quite a few of her designs tucked away, consider loaning one or more to Paggi at Tapestry Fair to have them made into masters and then shared.

Kitchen Monk
I am a big fan of Ann Spiess Mills so I posted images of some of my favorite designs.  Sadly I have no canvases to loan to Peggi but I imagine many of you do.  Hopefully she will be able to make many more designs available now that Ann's family has given the ok.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 10, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Kaffe Fassett's Colour at Mottisfont

The great textile designer Kaffe Fassett is doing an exhibit at Mottisfont Abbey this year.  He's done a short video in which you can hear his thoughts on color and see some of his needlepoint and knitting and quilts.

The exhibit runs until January 14, 2018 so if you are in the Hampshire part of England this fall through early winter, I hope you get to see some of this amazing work in person.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 9, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

All About Stretcher Bars: The Movie

Needle in a Haystack has started a new series of videos on their website. The first set of videos is all about stretcher bars.  There are four video lessons, including detailed information on how to assemble Evertites,  how to mount your needlepoint canvas onto the stretcher bars, how to tighten the Evertites and how to loosen them before removing your finished canvas.  It is a fabulous resource!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 21, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Breaking News: Barbara Fox Needlepoint is Closing

Thanks to Jan I can report that Barbara Fox Needlepoint is closing so Barbara has time for other things she wants to do more.

Hurry and see if there's anything left you need before Barbara sails off into the sunset!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 9, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Shading with Stem Stitch

I use packed stem stitch a lot for things like tree trunks in my needlepoint, but I never thought about how to best shade a section that has stem stitches very close together. Fortunately Anna Scott has more imagination than me and has come up with an interesting way to blend colors when you are working packed stem stitch.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright  September 21, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Kneelers Live On

The All Saints' Episcopal Church in Rehoboth Beach has needlepoint kneelers that were stitched by members over the 1970s-80s.  The article has a lot of photographs of the pieces that are still in use although who stitched what has been lost.’-nearly-40-years/138922

Needlepointers come and go but their work lives on.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 20, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Au Ver A Soie Metallic Braid

Comparing Kreinik and AVAS Metallics

It's not often that we hear about a new metallic thread, so I was fascinated by Mary Corbet's review of a metallic braid made by Au Ver a Soie.  (AVAS for short)

When Mary wrote her article, these threads were not easily accessible here in the United States, but that is changing.  Needle in a Haystack in California is starting to stock this thread in ten colors and several sizes.

Needle in a Haystack is planning a club in 2018 so that folks can get a range of Au Ver a Soie metallic shades (more than what will be available on their website) in sizes 4 and 8.  Stay tuned for more information about this.

Bedecked and Beadazzled has some colors of the Au Ver a Soie metallic, too.  A friend sent me a spool of the 002 gold in size 12 recently.  It's not listed on the shop website yet  so you will have to email Ruth and ask her what she has available.

I decided I would use this on my current project so I could review it here for you.  Mary's review is fabulous but then she does surface embroidery, so her problems with working with a metallic thread are different than what I run into as I needlepoint.  In the photo at the top of this article, I used Kreinik's size 16 braid in the border on the left and the AVAS metallic in the flower pistils.  See any difference?

Kreinik and AVAS's metallics are both on 10 meter spools.  You can buy larger amounts of Kreinik, however.  The fact that you can pretty easily get your hands on Kreinik metallics in a wide range of shades certainly means most of us will use Kreinik more than any other metallic thread.  (Although Kreinik is not available in the big box craft stores as far as I can tell so you probably will have to mail order both threads if you don't have a local shop.)

My first question was whether my size 12 AVAS metallic braid was the same diameter as Kreinik's size 12?  I pulled out a spool of the size 12 Kreinik and compared it to the AVAS.  The answer is yes, sort of.  On the spool they are about the same, but the AVAS metallic braid is softer and will squish more if you have a tight tension.  Kreinik's braids are stiffer and will not compress much even if you really pull hard on them.

Does the AVAS fray at the ends as you stitch?  When you cut a length off the ten meter spool, the end doesn't unravel but as you handle and stitch with it, the ends open up a bit but not enough that it is going to annoy you.  If you like to stitch down to the last inch of a thread before tying off you will be able to with AVAS.

My project had quite a bit of gold on it so I used both Kreinik's 002 and AVAS's 002 metallic in tent stitches in several areas.  The AVAS gold is more brassy in color and the metallic look seems a bit more muted to me.  But really there's not much difference when you are doing tent stitching.  The Kreinik is certainly a little fatter, which you would expect.  But this worked well for my project as I used Kreinik for the border where I wanted a slightly more raised tent stitch.  The AVAS on the pistils was more muted in color and less prominent which is perfect for the look I wanted.

I think AVAS metallic braid will shine when you are doing surface embroidery, particularly in a braided stitch.  Kreinik is a stiffer thread so something like Van Dyke stitch is going to be harder to create in Kreinik than it would be in AVAS.  Think about doing a line of braid on Santa's outfit.  The Kreinik will be less bendable.  It will work, for sure, but the AVAS will bend easier.

If you have ever complained about Kreinik being too stiff and don't mind the slightly less metallic effect that AVAS gives, it's worth tracking down some of the AVAS metallic braid and trying it.  I liked it a lot and if I had a lot of French knots to be done in metallic thread in my future, I would order the AVAS metallic to use for them rather than trying to stitch them with Kreinik.  Still, Kreinik's range of colors and availability mean it is my Go To metallic thread.

Aren't we lucky to have these choices?!

UPDATE:  Inspirations magazine is selling sets of the metallic if you happen to be in Australia.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 21, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Compensation with Sandy Arthur

Sandy Arthur has started adding little tips about stitching to her blog updates of current and upcoming classes. That's very welcome as Sandy is a smart and experienced teacher. particularly as this time she is talking about compensation which gives stitchers fits at times.  Thanks, Sandy!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright August 13, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The StitchPlay Make Over

StitchPlay Designs (the brainchild of Carole Lake and Michael Boren) has had a makeover.

If you are a fan of counted canvaswork, you'll want to visit.  If you aren't, you probably are still going to be tempted by all the colors and patterns, not to mention the great books!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 4, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Stitchy Moods: A Doodle

Christa had a great time creating Stitchy Mood, an original piece she doodled on blank canvas using threads from the Colour Complements line.  If you continually buy threads because they are pretty, this might be the sort of project you'd enjoy.  You get to play with stitches using your favorite colors!

Thanks for sharing, Lorraine.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright October 30, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

More About Two Sisters

The local online newspaper for the University of South Carolina profiles Two Sisters Needlepoint since one of the owners is a student there (and the other is still in high school).

Makes us older stitchers proud!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright September 18, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Amy Reviews "A Field Guide for Birds" And More!

The October/November 2017 shop newsletter for Amy's Golden Strand is out.   I always look forward to these and this month's doesn't disappoint.  The highlight for me is Amy's very thorough review of Carolyn Hedge Baird's latest book, Needlepoint Stitches A Field Guide to Birds.  My copy just arrived a few days ago and I'm starting to read it so I was very curious about what Amy thinks.

But there is much, much more!  New stitch guides are out and more on the way.  There are lots of new accessories in Amy's shop.  Amy shows off her Home Study progress, new canvases she got in Dallas, and of course her students' fabulous stitching.

Pour yourself a cup of your favorite beverage and enjoy.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright October 2, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Barefoot Website

Barefoot Needlepoint Designs has their new website ready! When you click on various categories, don't miss reading "The Story Behind the Canvas" at the bottom of some sections.  The site isn't completely done, so remember to visit again in a month or so. 

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright November 2, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Interviews with Amy Poore, From A Poore Girl Paints UPDATED

Jinny Barney interviews Amy Poore from A Poore Girl Paints on her blog today.

Her cheerful and modern designs can be ogled at her website.  Keep clicking "Show More" at the bottom of the photo gallery to see everything.

UPDATE:  FiberTalk did a podcast interview with Amy that is a fun look into her design process.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright October 2, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Abigail Cecile Goes to Destination Dallas

Abigail Cecile Goes to Destination Dallas — and it changed her design approach slightly.  You can read all about it on her blog and get a podcast recommendation, too.

We have our fingers crossed for you, Abigail Cecile!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright November 1, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Robin Goes to North Shore Needleworks

Last week Robin King visited North Shore Needleworks to teach.  It looks like she had a blast!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright September 12, 2017 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.