Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Want to Buy a Beth Russell Rug?

Beth Russell Needlepoint is selling their stitched model of the Acanthus Rug.  It is magnificent!

This is a William Morris design, interpreted by Beth Russell Needlepoint on needlepoint canvas.  It took over 900 hours to stitch, is unlined, and is roughly 38 x 66 inches.  

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 29, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Learning Art String Type Stitches

If you are starting to do more charted designs, you'll run into some stitches that look hard, like the Double Fan Doubled or the Chilly Hollow Stitch.  If you are planning to do a lot of these "art string" type stitches, buying volumes one and two of Carole Lake's Twisty Stitches makes sense.  

But if you are just starting to do these things and you may never do another project with them in it, or you are a visual person, videos to teach you online would be great.

Debbie Rowley of DebBee's Designs has produced as series of videos demonstrating some of these monsters.  Here's the video about Double Fan Doubled stitch--

Here's my personal favorite, her video on the Chilly Hollow stitch.

Debbie's YouTube channel has several videos about these unusual stitches.  Explore and see what you can learn here-

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 9, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Mary Corbet Talks Bullions

Mary Corbet has often written about bullion knots and how to make them.  Here's her latest article-

Here's the technique she recommends to make your bullion.  Mary isn't the only one who recommends practice when it comes to bullions.  Gay Ann Rogers advocates doing some every morning before tackling a project with bullions until it becomes natural.  

Mary highly recommends milliner needles, sometimes called straw needles and sometimes called milliner straw needles.  Basically, these are long needles with an eye not much bigger than the shaft (you can buy milliner needles with larger eyes but I don't recommend that for making bullions).

I think buying an assortment of milliner sizes is wise so you can find the right size for the threads you are using for your bullions.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 9, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Dimensional Dog with Stitch Diagrams

Stephanie at Ridgewood Needlepoint is stitching one of the Sew Much Fun dimensional stuffed animals as part of their New Stitch Monday series.  These designs come with stitch guides but Stephanie is using her own stitches.  In this first entry from Ridgewood about this piece, she explains Scotch and Cashmere variation and includes a diagram.

Stephanie did more Scotch stitch combos for her dog.

The next two sections have stripes, one Stephanie made up when she miscounted the section.  It looks fabulous, proving that mistakes are when we get really creative.

The back of the first leg has a very pretty Hungarian variation.

More of the first leg, this time a Milanese variation.

The last of the first leg, using a Parisian stitch which is one of my favorites.

Now the second leg is started.

More on leg number two.

I think we are working one of the two front legs now.

The front leg with lots of stripes was apparently a lot of fun.

The second front leg is cute.

This is the last of the front leg stitching.

The ears, head and gussets are the last things to be stitched.

Here are good photos of the finished dog, posted by Stephanie to Needlepoint Nation.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 9, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Sugar Plum and Snowball Santas (Janet Zickler Casey)

Brenda's Needlepoint Studio has started on another Janet Z. Casey Santa, the Sugar Plum Santa.  

He's done already!  And he's a cutie.

Her next Santa from Janet is the Snowball Santa.

As is usual with these cute Santas, you start with the face.  I'll update this article as Brenda stitches Santa to bring him to life.  If you aren't familiar with Janet Casey's Santas, you can browse them here.  Some are available as painted canvases with stitch guides now (I think from Danji) but Brenda is working them as originally designed.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 9, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Tumbling Stripes (Marilyn Owen)

Melita Glavin's ANG chapter is going to stitch Marilyn Owen's "Tumbling Stripes" as a project.  First up, Melita has to pick colors and find threads in her stash that will work, then she has to put the piece of Congress cloth she found on too large Evertites.  She shows you how to lace a side if you too have needlepoint canvas just a little too small for your stretcher bars.

Melita choose blue and yellow cotton floss for her threads.

Here is Melita's finished version, which made a lovely ornament.

Brenda is working this, too.  Like most chapter projects, it is a counted canvaswork piece, but this one is a bit unusual and quite pretty when finished.  I'll update this article as Brenda posts progress photos.

You can see larger versions of "Tumbling Stripes" on the ANG Cyberpointers' website.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 8, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

How to Wrap a Washer for a Perfect Circle Embellishment

Need a perfect circle embellishment for your canvas for wheels, an engagement ring, etc.?  Ruth Schmuff shows you how.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 7, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Threadaholic Alert: Southern Fried Floss

Want to try something new?  Southern Stitchers Company is hand dying cotton floss under the Southern Fried Floss name.  Each skein is around 8.7 yards.  Here are the available colors, although they are adding new ones all the time.  Remember, these are hand dyed colors so make sure you buy enough for your project.  You almost certainly can't match a color exactly if you run out because this is a small company, dyeing in small batches.  The label points out the colors are NOT colorfast.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 7, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Needlepoint Now Limits Corrections to Current Issue

Needlepoint Now magazine is now listing corrections on their website.  For the current issue, click on Shop in the header on the home page, then Current Issue in the drop down menu.  Any corrections will be listed at the bottom of this page.

Unfortunately corrections to previous issues don't seem to be listed anywhere on their website.  So check the website for the current issue before it is superseded to look for corrections.

It is possible that if you bought the digital issues you might find corrections in that section but I can't check that since I prefer a hard copy edition.  I've asked the magazine staff for help finding past corrections.  I'll post their replay here when I receive it.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 6, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Finishing Summary at

If you are thinking about sending something to for finishing, you'll want to look at their summary of the finishing services they offer to create pillows, acrylic trays, stand ups, brick covers, glasses cases, clutch purses, Christmas stockings, key fobs, ornaments and belts.  Each section has important information plus a little video about the available choices.  The shop's finishing deadlines are listed at the bottom of the article.  

It always pays to get your finishing in way before the deadline and to include as much information as you can about what you do and do not want.  

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 6, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Stitch by Stitch Stitcher of the Month for January 2024

Stitch by Stitch in Larchmont, NY has continued with their Stitcher of the Month profile, this time introducing Katie Oringel.  Katie's family and her Jewish faith are the inspiration for most of her work.

By the way, the two women traveling series that Katie enjoyed stitching so much are from Alice Peterson.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 5, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Melita's Overdyed Spools Variations

Melita Glavin saw her "Overdyed Spools" design worked at Nimble Needle in New Jersey with the shop name in the middle instead of the spools of threads.

The design is also perfect for name tags.

The moral is that any counted project can be modified, especially small ones with lovely borders.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 13, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Want to Stitch a Christmas Stocking?

Ok, you finally have taken the plunge and bought a stocking canvas during the big Christmas sales at your favorite shop.  Now what?  KC Needlepoint has a few tips to get you started.

If this isn't enough help, perhaps Maureen Guiffre's book, True Confessions of a Stocking Stitcher, will help.  (Shop around for the best price. I went with this link because of the brief description of what's inside the book plus photos of the contents.)

This link lists the table of contents.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 4, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Honoring Carole Lake

Sadly, we lost Carole Lake on January 5, 2024.    She will be greatly missed:

From Carole's Obituary, in case you will be in Austin in order to make the Celebration of Life:

"We will be honoring Carole with a Celebration of Life held on Saturday January 27 which will be held at 2 pm at The Church of Highland Park, 5206 Balcones Dr., Austin, TX 78731.  

Carole was an avid supporter of the Texas Preforming Arts. In lieu of flowers donations to the Texas Preforming Arts youth program are encouraged to assist in keeping generations to come enjoying the fine arts that Carole so cherished."

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 19, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Snowmen Laying Tools

I'd heard of these but not seen them--Ruth at Bedecked and Beadazzled sells snowmen laying tools!
Your choice of four colors.  Doesn't get any cuter than that.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 2, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Fancy Hooks to Hang Ornaments

One thing I noticed while enjoying the amazing ornaments everyone made for the holidays is that many of them were dangling from curved hooks that appeared heavy duty but pretty, like these curved hooks Brenda's Needlepoint Studio used for her beaded stars.

I did a little hunting and as usual for such things, sources seem to be Amazon, eBay or Etsy.  I choose three examples from Etsy to show you options because they had the best pictures.  Shop around.  Prices vary and if you can get these locally so you can inspect the finish and quality and avoid shipping charges, please do so.

Here are the basic hooks, like the ones Brenda used.  

If you want something a bit plainer, these will work and they are available in silver, gold or copper.

You can also purchase very fancy ones that have crystals, suitable for your showcase piece you want to stand out.  These are the most expensive as they are not mass produced.

Happy ornamenting!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 2, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Brenda Looks Back at 2023

Brenda's Needlepoint Studio looks back at her needlepoint and beading projects completed (but not always made up) in 2023.  It's a fun walk through her accomplishments.  If you want to know more about one in particular, click on the picture's caption.

Somehow the original link was deleted, so Brenda added a replacement.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 2, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tanja's Tutorials on Lacing and Gluing

Tanja Berlin has edited and updated her tutorial on lacing needlework for framing or mounting in a hoop and added a section on how to create the backs of needle cases or boxes in this great tutorial.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 2, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Stitches for Snow

Stephanie at Ridgewood Needlepoint has published twelve of her favorite snow stitches on the Ridgewood blog along with some thread recommendations.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 1, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Organizational Ideas from CHB

Carolyn Hedge Baird just posted two organizational ideas on her Facebook page.

For those without a Facebook page, one of Carolyn's students stores her beading thread spools in Bobbin Ring Savers which are meant to store sewing machine bobbins.  Carolyn says she then pops her bobbin saver in a sandwich bag for transport.

Carolyn herself uses a pair of magnetic cable ties to hold her beading mat or a chart to her canvas.  You'll need two, one for each end of whatever you want to hold onto the canvas.  You'll need to have magnetic cable ties long enough to position your bead mat or whatever as far from the edge of your canvas as you normally want it.

Shop around for both items as prices vary wildly.  

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 1, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Stitch by Stitch Finishing 2023

Looking for good finishing ideas?  Bored watching sports on tv?  Just looking for that perfect canvas?  Stitch by Stitch in Larchmont, NY has posted 2023 customer and staff finishing for our viewing pleasure. There are forty pages of pillows, framed artwork, ornaments, tissue boxes, trays, a cake, purses, stand ups, a footstool, boxes, a blue jeans jacket, key ring, tree topper, stockings, napkin holder, glasses cases, picture frames, wine coasters, 3-D stuffed animals, anything you can imagine.  

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 31, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Bookmarks in Chottie's Plaid

Melita had fun with Chottie's Plaid stitch, making bookmarks for herself and her husband for Christmas.

You can read more about Chottie's Plaid stitch and making plaids in general here--

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 29, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Getting to Know ThreadworX

Melissa of the Pointing It Out podcast interviews Tony Carter of ThreadworX.  It's interesting to hear how this business got started, the threads they offer and their plans.

If you aren't a threadaholic you may not have heard of ThreadworX.  Browse all the goodies here.

Here are the colors in Bradley's Balloons.  This example happens to be perle cotton but it's available in floss, Vineyard Silk, Au Ver A Soie, Bella Lusso and Kreinik.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 26, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

A Condo Full of Needlepoint

The Louisville, KY newspaper just posted about a condo in a Louisville suburb owned by an interior designer/needlepointer couple which is full of needlepoint pillows, ornaments and more.

There are plenty of photos of the various rooms, all decorated with stitching, photographs, prints, antiques and more.  Because the photos were taken in December, the place is decorated for Christmas which means lots of needlepoint.  

Enjoy the tour!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 25, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A Clever Name Tag For a Christmas Stocking

Hope posted her finished Christmas stocking on Needlepoint Nation.  It has a unique finishing idea--she's attached a photo charm of the recipient to the stocking.  

You can find miniature photo frame charms online, particularly Etsy.  Print your favorite photo, cut to fit, and pop into the frame, then sew to the stocking top.  Hope has a name and a photo charm on her stocking but this is an easy way to hand down heirloom stockings in your family.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 21, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 8, 2024

A Profile of Janet Brandt

If you are a fan of Janet Brandt's stump work embroideries and stories, you'll want to read this profile.

I visit her on Instagram often to see the next step in the next story.

She also has a website if you prefer exploring that way.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 13, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Unique Teapot Finishing

Carolyn Hedge Baird recently posted photos of a student's teapot canvases from a class Carolyn did years ago.   The canvases are heavily embellished as is Carolyn's style but the uniqueness is in the finishing of the designs into teapot pillows.

Really unusual and unique!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 19, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Threadaholic Alert

If you are a threadaholic who hoards all sorts of unusual threads for that special project or if you just want to bookmark a source for threads that are a bit different, here's Chandail's page for thread oddities such as Au Ver au Soie metallic braid, DMC's memory thread sold by the yard, Prisms or Borealis, and silk floss complexion collections.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 19, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Breaking News: Carole Lake Has Died UPDATED

The admins of Needlepoint Nation have just announced the death of Carole Lake on January 5, 2024.    She was so funny, so talented, so clever, and the author of some wonderful designs and terrific books, some in collaboration with Michael Boren.  If you haven't seen Carole's work, here is the StitchPlay website.

Carole was a long time teacher for ANG and worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make Facebook's Needlepoint Nation a success.  Fiber Talk has reposted the interview they did with Carole on their website if you'd like to listen.

I'll miss you, Carole!

UPDATE:    From Carole's Obituary:

"We will be honoring Carole with a Celebration of Life held on Saturday January 27 which will be held at 2 pm at The Church of Highland Park, 5206 Balcones Dr., Austin, TX 78731.

Carole was an avid supporter of the Texas Preforming Arts. In lieu of flowers donations to the Texas Preforming Arts youth program are encouraged to assist in keeping generations to come enjoying the fine arts that Carole so cherished."

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 5, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Queens Court: Winter Mystery at Bedecked and Beadazzled

Ruth Schmuff just announced the new mystery class for Winter 2024--Lane Tree and Lily's "Queen's Court."

As always, I'll update this article as Ruth posts reports on each of the three classes in this mystery project.  First, Ruth worked the background in an open pattern and gave the dog a trellis patterned coat.

As a bonus, Ruth explains how to count out the trellis pattern around the flowers and leaves on the dog's body here--

Now the crow and the bunny are stitched along with the dog's and the crow's crowns.

And we finish up with silk ribbons on the dog!

Here is Jan's which is finished but not framed yet.

And here are three that are finished and framed, but all differently.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 10, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Making a Tassel with DMC Cotton Floss

The DMC website has instructions on how to make one tassel from one skein of DMC cotton floss.  Step one--find a skein of your favorite color.  Step two--click on the link to follow the instructions which are both written and in video form.

Step three--use your new tassel on a key, as a dangle on a light pull, as a Christmas ornament, or as part of a special wrapped gift's decoration.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 17, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Pulled Thread Wings

Ruth Schmuff is working on her Fall Mystery Class at Bedecked and Beadazzled.   The class is Winter Flying Fairy, by Lulu My Pink Turtle.  

Besides all the fun stuff, Ruth has created pulled stitch wings.  Want to learn how she did it?  Visit this YouTube video.  As always, Ruth makes it easy to understand. 

The Royal School of Needlework's Stitch Bank has quite a few examples of Pulled Thread Stitches for you to browse.  Note that some are eyelets, not what we think of Pulled Thread, and some will look different on needlepoint canvas than on the linen ground material the examples are on.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 13, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Sandy Talks Needle Felting

Sandy Arthur has a written guide to needle felting available in her Etsy shop.

Sandy's probably the most experienced teacher of needle felting on needlepoint canvas there is right now, so if you've ever wanted to try this fun technique, her Etsy shop is the place to start.   She recommends the Clover needle felting tools and roving to her students but I think for a beginner any cheap stuff works just fine.  Remember, though, needle felting needles are both sharp and barbed so go slowly and be careful.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright December 17, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 1, 2024

COVID-19 and Needlepoint Fun

With so many of us stuck at home during 2020-2021, our designers and shops are planning all sorts of special programs.  I'll list as many of these that I know about below. Remember to check your local shop to see their hours and if they are offering mail order or curbside delivery for that new project you finally have time to work on.  Many shops are posting photos or videos of their current inventory in their e-newsletters, on their Facebook or Instagram page, or their website; and many are offering free shipping or reduced shipping for now.


The Pointing It Out podcast talks about the challenges on handling the huge demand for canvases, threads, finishing and custom designs.

The Needlepointer is trying to balance their exploding online business and their local customers.

Jody Valentine paints all her own canvases, and is struggling to keep up.

Rittenhouse has managed to weather the worst of the virus.  With the help of understanding customers and their magnificent staff, they are soldiering on.

Yanja Berlin sells embroidery kits from Canada, which isn't needlepoint in the USA, but her challenges are similar to what our local shops are experiencing.

Doug Kreinik gives an update about how the company is coping.

The Local Needlepoint Shop Day Group on Facebook is gathering information about shops that are open for mail order, drive through, etc.  Just scroll through the listings.

Morgan Julia has a list of shops that are shipping threads, too.

You may enjoy listening to Melissa and Megan's podcast about how the shops are coping.

Lycette's Palm Beach owner talks about the impact the virus has had on their business in this Forbes article.

The Needle Bug in Montgomery, Alabama talks the challenges they face trying to get supplies with rising costs.


Covid Kitty is a fun needle minder.

Covid Football Season is a limited edition by Annie Smith, probably only available at Needlework Vault.

"Phoenix Rising 2021" is KCN Designers' hopeful ornament for this year.

Poppy Monk's Frontline worker is ready! Note that this is a printed design.

Here's something you don't see every day--a Mardi Gras masked reveler from Needle Arts in New Orleans.

The bee in the wine glass is the 2020 ornament from Froopy Designs.

My Pink Sugar Life has a cute "Herd Community" ornament.

Mopsey Designs" "Ew, Covid" is funny.

Labors of Love has a more hopeful 2021 ornament.

My Pink Sugar Life has a new "Herd Community 2021" design.

New (and very funny) from Laura Love Designs--

Want a Moderna vaccine shot canvas?  LazyLane Needlepoint has one.  They also have Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson versions in their Etsy shop.

The mean virus ornament conveys our anger well.  Designer unknown.

Needle Paint has a wonderful masked Santa canvas.  It's like printed, not hand painted, but I am told they do printed designs very well.

Stitch by Stitch has new Penny MacLeod canvases in their March 2021 newsletter. including new COVID hero pieces.

Judy Tasch Needlepoint has a cute vaccine 2021 design.

Victoria Whitson has a very different QR code canvas for the coronavirus.

Penny MacLeod has two new girl in mask ornaments available for pre-order which you can see at the very bottom of this shop newsletter.

Annie Lane has a new "C Ya 2020" canvas.

Kirkland Design Studio has a hilarious Will Stitch for Toilet Paper needle minder magnet.

Annie Lane has a limited edition Bye Bye 2020/Hello 2021 canvas.

Rebecca Wood has a new Coronavirus Easter Rabbit ornament.

Pink Petals has a new quarantine stole Xmas canvas.  

Love those Rebecca Wood COVID-themed ornaments?  Amy Bunger and Lori Carter have guides for them all.

Denise DeRusha has a new sugar skull wearing a face mask for the Day of the Dead person in your life.

Froopy Designs has a fun new 2020 wine glass canvas.

Love You More has a darling new Stay Home canvas.

Barbara's Needlepoint has a dumpster fire canvas.

Ginny's Gem Minders has face mask needle minders now available in white, black, pink and blue.

Candace Bahouth has a new rainbow heart kit that is on 10 mesh printed canvas for Ehrman.

My Pink Sugar Life has a new (and hilarious) broken Christmas ornament canvas for 2020.

Point2Pointe has a hilarious new 2020 in the rear view mirror design.

Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery has two new Covid-19 themed gingerbread people.

Rebecca Wood has a hilarious new Halloween Masked Witch with Coronavirus ornament.

Rebecca Wood also has two snowmen and a cardinal, all in their masks.

The Easter Imposter is Rebecca Wood's latest coronavirus design.  It features the Easter Bunny in a mask.

NeedlePaint has three new printed Santa in a mask designs—two ornaments and a stocking.

Cheryl Schaeffer has a trash can canvas now for 2020.

Enriched Stitch shows off canvases from their line or canvases they've done stitch guides for in this blog posting.

Rebecca Wood is regretting that reindeer with his mask.

Barbara's Needlepoint has created a cute ornament.

Princess and Me has "Global Angel" with her mask and scrubs.

Denise DeRusha has a fun new Day of the Dead sugar skull in a mask.

Needlepoint This in Dallas has quite a few coronavirus designs from And More plus local artist Paula VanWagoner in various sizes including toilet paper roll Christmas trees, a "We are all in this together" ornament, and lots of other toilet paper designs.

My Pink Sugar Life has a fallen ice cream cone ornament to summarize 2020.

My Pink Sugar Life has a darling Wash Your Hands and a Roll With It ornament, too.

Labors of Love has an obscene 2020 ornament that's brand new.  It is available as a round or square shape.

The Point of It All has a fun new "my sofa is my new office" design.

Needlepoint For Fun has the Frontline needlepoint kit that comes with beginner needlepointer instructions and all the threads you need to stitch it either in all tent or fancier stitches.  It is a printed needlepoint canvas and is currently (June 2020) backordered.  You'll probably need to provide your own scissors and needles but NP for Fun can help you if you are a beginner to make sure you have absolutely everything you need.

My Pink Sugar Life has a funny staycation 2020 canvas.

Ada Hayden of EyeCandy has a new abstract.

Two Needle Chicks has two toilet paper ornaments.

Kim Walton has some fun ornaments, one of toilet paper roll and the other of three people in masks.

Rebecca Wood has a hilarious reindeer ornament wearing a mask.

Lauren Bloch Designs has two three Piggy Coronavirus designs with stitch guides from Cynthia Thomas. has three Staywell ornaments.  These are printed, not painted and some with stitch suggestions.  These are a food bank fundraiser so half the profits go to a good cause.

Penny MacLeod of The Collection Designs has four five inch rounds of women in masks.

Patti Mann's artist Rose Hill Designs has lots of medical personnel in mask ornaments—female docs and people of color included.

Princess and Me has two wonderful medical personnel.

Labors of Love has the "Once This Is Over" ornament.

Meredith Willet has a Cover 19 design that comes with guide and beads.

Lisa Ferguson has a darling Wash Your Hands canvas.

Mountain Laurel Design has a fund-raiser geometric design called Corona Mosaic.

NeedlePaint has three new designs reminding us to Wash Your Hands.

The Point of It All Shop in D.C. has a new flatten the curve kit.

Kristine Kingman has created coronavirus-themed canvases in collaboration with Stitch-Stash.  Part of the profits will go to help hungry kids in the Baltimore area.

The Needlepoint Novelist has a painted canvas commemorating the visit of the USS Comfort to NYC.


Anna Pearson is having more Zoom classes.  Contact her for details.

Cynthia Thomas is going to have Zoom embellishment classes.  Contact Cynthia via her email address to get signed up.

Anna Pearson is having Zoom classes in the UK and reviews what her students are doing.

Sheena reviewed the Zoom embellishment class she just took with Bedecked and Beadazzled.  It sounds like a blast!

Fiber Talk is doing a daily podcast about stitching and there will be an Easter Stitch-a-thon.  Missed the live broadcasts?  Not to worry, you can easily catch up by clicking on the various links on the left side of the page.

Have you been thinking you might work on a heart from your stash for the Hearts for Hospice project?  Melita has collected a lot of information that will help you get started.

Meredith Willet is doing a free online stitch class she calls Quarantine Lessons.  Each day she posts a new stitch diagram (sometimes with variations) and suggests where to use it. Click on the PDF file for it to open.

Anna Person has started a new YouTube series of Top Ten Tips for Needlepoint.  Here're Parts One and Two:

Anna also has new kits that are perfect for using up your stash of leftover threads.

Hands Across the Sea has a free video tutorial on packed stem stitch.  Sure, it's on linen but switch to a sharp needle and you can work this just fine on needlepoint canvas.  Note that the outline is done first, then a dividing line down the middle, then filling in, keeping each stitch the same size.

Laura Taylor is offering one-on-one lessons and group stitching via your computer.  Contact her for details.

Ann-Marie of Beautiful Stitches has a new free design called Summer Fireworks to help you stitch away stress.

Kurdy Biggs of Threedles has posted a free chart on her website.  This is her 2014 design called Four Friends. is starting a new series they call Stitch and Go with "stitch printed" designs.  The first one is a fund raiser for a food bank to help folks impacted by the coronavirus.  It's called "Sally Staywell."  Available with or without threads.

Lisa at BeStitched is offering a 30 minute session for $25 via FaceTime if you have an Apple smart phone.  More contact information at the second link below.

Lisa has also posted this free stitch diagram from the gorgeous background in one of the wild animals in their Colors of Praise Wild Animals club.

Serendipity Needlework is doing a stitch in on Zoom.  Details here on Facebook.

Jody Valentine is posted videos on her Jody Designs-Needlepoint Facebook page.

Here's a bit about how shops are adjusting to social isolation.

The American Needlepoint Guild is posting free tips and small designs on their website.  The first item posted is a nice Sue Reed design, the second a small Pat Mazu ornament.

Colour Complements is selling a thread kit with a free design, and there should be enough thread to stitch it twice so you can play around with where you put the colors or you can do two of something in case you have sisters or two buddies you want to stitch for.

Enriched Stitch is doing a cyber class using the free Zoom app or a Chrome browser with your microphone and camera to participate.  There is no fee to do this but you'll have to buy the kit.

Enriched Stitch has also posted a list of kits that are available with stitch guides.  These are in stock as of today, but who knows about tomorrow?

Debbie Rowley is doing a brand new design called Quilt Block 1 as a stitch-a-long.  Here are the details:

Debbie had so much fun doing the free chart above that she's started another called Spring Quilt Block.

Debbie Rowley is doing a third free design, this time for Harlequin Dance Redux.

Sign of the Arrow is doing a Stitch Away Stress three part class with a free stitch guide for the Kirk and Bradley Yellowstone travel ornament.

There's a free design for a needlepoint lips face mask but I question how practical this is.  It probably is just for show since constant laundering face masks needs won't work well for a needlepoint canvas.

The American Needlepoint Guild is posting weekly free charts they call Hold Up Minis.  These are available to non-members, too. so many of us stuck at home during 2020-2021, our designers and shops are planning all sorts of special programs.  I'll list as many of these that I know about below. Remember to check your local shop to see their hours and if they are offering mail order or curbside delivery for that new project you finally have time to work on.  Many shops are posting photos or videos of their current inventory in their e-newsletters, on their Facebook or Instagram page, or their website; and many are offering free shipping or reduced shipping for now.


The Pointing It Out podcast talks about the challenges on handling the huge demand for canvases, threads, finishing and custom designs.

The Needlepointer is trying to balance their exploding online business and their local customers.

Jody Valentine paints all her own canvases, and is struggling to keep up.

Rittenhouse has managed to weather the worst of the virus.  With the help of understanding customers and their magnificent staff, they are soldiering on.

Yanja Berlin sells embroidery kits from Canada, which isn't needlepoint in the USA, but her challenges are similar to what our local shops are experiencing.

Doug Kreinik gives an update about how the company is coping.

The Local Needlepoint Shop Day Group on Facebook is gathering information about shops that are open for mail order, drive through, etc.  Just scroll through the listings.

Morgan Julia has a list of shops that are shipping threads, too.

You may enjoy listening to Melissa and Megan's podcast about how the shops are coping.

Lycette's Palm Beach owner talks about the impact the virus has had on their business in this Forbes article.

The Needle Bug in Montgomery, Alabama talks the challenges they face trying to get supplies with rising costs.


Covid Kitty is a fun needle minder.

Covid Football Season is a limited edition by Annie Smith, probably only available at Needlework Vault.

"Phoenix Rising 2021" is KCN Designers' hopeful ornament for this year.

Poppy Monk's Frontline worker is ready! Note that this is a printed design.

Here's something you don't see every day--a Mardi Gras masked reveler from Needle Arts in New Orleans.

The bee in the wine glass is the 2020 ornament from Froopy Designs.

My Pink Sugar Life has a cute "Herd Community" ornament.

Mopsey Designs" "Ew, Covid" is funny.

Labors of Love has a more hopeful 2021 ornament.

My Pink Sugar Life has a new "Herd Community 2021" design.

New (and very funny) from Laura Love Designs--

Want a Moderna vaccine shot canvas?  LazyLane Needlepoint has one.  They also have Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson versions in their Etsy shop.

The mean virus ornament conveys our anger well.  Designer unknown.

Needle Paint has a wonderful masked Santa canvas.  It's like printed, not hand painted, but I am told they do printed designs very well.

Stitch by Stitch has new Penny MacLeod canvases in their March 2021 newsletter. including new COVID hero pieces.

Judy Tasch Needlepoint has a cute vaccine 2021 design.

Victoria Whitson has a very different QR code canvas for the coronavirus.

Penny MacLeod has two new girl in mask ornaments available for pre-order which you can see at the very bottom of this shop newsletter.

Annie Lane has a new "C Ya 2020" canvas.

Kirkland Design Studio has a hilarious Will Stitch for Toilet Paper needle minder magnet.

Annie Lane has a limited edition Bye Bye 2020/Hello 2021 canvas.

Rebecca Wood has a new Coronavirus Easter Rabbit ornament.

Pink Petals has a new quarantine stole Xmas canvas.  

Love those Rebecca Wood COVID-themed ornaments?  Amy Bunger and Lori Carter have guides for them all.

Denise DeRusha has a new sugar skull wearing a face mask for the Day of the Dead person in your life.

Froopy Designs has a fun new 2020 wine glass canvas.

Love You More has a darling new Stay Home canvas.

Barbara's Needlepoint has a dumpster fire canvas.

Ginny's Gem Minders has face mask needle minders now available in white, black, pink and blue.

Candace Bahouth has a new rainbow heart kit that is on 10 mesh printed canvas for Ehrman.

My Pink Sugar Life has a new (and hilarious) broken Christmas ornament canvas for 2020.

Point2Pointe has a hilarious new 2020 in the rear view mirror design.

Vallerie Needlepoint Gallery has two new Covid-19 themed gingerbread people.

Rebecca Wood has a hilarious new Halloween Masked Witch with Coronavirus ornament.

Rebecca Wood also has two snowmen and a cardinal, all in their masks.

The Easter Imposter is Rebecca Wood's latest coronavirus design.  It features the Easter Bunny in a mask.

NeedlePaint has three new printed Santa in a mask designs—two ornaments and a stocking.

Cheryl Schaeffer has a trash can canvas now for 2020.

Enriched Stitch shows off canvases from their line or canvases they've done stitch guides for in this blog posting.

Rebecca Wood is regretting that reindeer with his mask.

Barbara's Needlepoint has created a cute ornament.

Princess and Me has "Global Angel" with her mask and scrubs.

Denise DeRusha has a fun new Day of the Dead sugar skull in a mask.

Needlepoint This in Dallas has quite a few coronavirus designs from And More plus local artist Paula VanWagoner in various sizes including toilet paper roll Christmas trees, a "We are all in this together" ornament, and lots of other toilet paper designs.

My Pink Sugar Life has a fallen ice cream cone ornament to summarize 2020.

My Pink Sugar Life has a darling Wash Your Hands and a Roll With It ornament, too.

Labors of Love has an obscene 2020 ornament that's brand new.  It is available as a round or square shape.

The Point of It All has a fun new "my sofa is my new office" design.

Needlepoint For Fun has the Frontline needlepoint kit that comes with beginner needlepointer instructions and all the threads you need to stitch it either in all tent or fancier stitches.  It is a printed needlepoint canvas and is currently (June 2020) backordered.  You'll probably need to provide your own scissors and needles but NP for Fun can help you if you are a beginner to make sure you have absolutely everything you need.

My Pink Sugar Life has a funny staycation 2020 canvas.

Ada Hayden of EyeCandy has a new abstract.

Two Needle Chicks has two toilet paper ornaments.

Kim Walton has some fun ornaments, one of toilet paper roll and the other of three people in masks.

Rebecca Wood has a hilarious reindeer ornament wearing a mask.

Lauren Bloch Designs has two three Piggy Coronavirus designs with stitch guides from Cynthia Thomas. has three Staywell ornaments.  These are printed, not painted and some with stitch suggestions.  These are a food bank fundraiser so half the profits go to a good cause.

Penny MacLeod of The Collection Designs has four five inch rounds of women in masks.

Patti Mann's artist Rose Hill Designs has lots of medical personnel in mask ornaments—female docs and people of color included.

Princess and Me has two wonderful medical personnel.

Labors of Love has the "Once This Is Over" ornament.

Meredith Willet has a Cover 19 design that comes with guide and beads.

Lisa Ferguson has a darling Wash Your Hands canvas.

Mountain Laurel Design has a fund-raiser geometric design called Corona Mosaic.

NeedlePaint has three new designs reminding us to Wash Your Hands.

The Point of It All Shop in D.C. has a new flatten the curve kit.

Kristine Kingman has created coronavirus-themed canvases in collaboration with Stitch-Stash.  Part of the profits will go to help hungry kids in the Baltimore area.

The Needlepoint Novelist has a painted canvas commemorating the visit of the USS Comfort to NYC.


Anna Pearson is having more Zoom classes.  Contact her for details.

Cynthia Thomas is going to have Zoom embellishment classes.  Contact Cynthia via her email address to get signed up.

Anna Pearson is having Zoom classes in the UK and reviews what her students are doing.

Sheena reviewed the Zoom embellishment class she just took with Bedecked and Beadazzled.  It sounds like a blast!

Fiber Talk is doing a daily podcast about stitching and there will be an Easter Stitch-a-thon.  Missed the live broadcasts?  Not to worry, you can easily catch up by clicking on the various links on the left side of the page.

Have you been thinking you might work on a heart from your stash for the Hearts for Hospice project?  Melita has collected a lot of information that will help you get started.

Meredith Willet is doing a free online stitch class she calls Quarantine Lessons.  Each day she posts a new stitch diagram (sometimes with variations) and suggests where to use it. Click on the PDF file for it to open.

Anna Person has started a new YouTube series of Top Ten Tips for Needlepoint.  Here're Parts One and Two:

Anna also has new kits that are perfect for using up your stash of leftover threads.

Hands Across the Sea has a free video tutorial on packed stem stitch.  Sure, it's on linen but switch to a sharp needle and you can work this just fine on needlepoint canvas.  Note that the outline is done first, then a dividing line down the middle, then filling in, keeping each stitch the same size.

Laura Taylor is offering one-on-one lessons and group stitching via your computer.  Contact her for details.

Ann-Marie of Beautiful Stitches has a new free design called Summer Fireworks to help you stitch away stress.

Kurdy Biggs of Threedles has posted a free chart on her website.  This is her 2014 design called Four Friends. is starting a new series they call Stitch and Go with "stitch printed" designs.  The first one is a fund raiser for a food bank to help folks impacted by the coronavirus.  It's called "Sally Staywell."  Available with or without threads.

Lisa at BeStitched is offering a 30 minute session for $25 via FaceTime if you have an Apple smart phone.  More contact information at the second link below.

Lisa has also posted this free stitch diagram from the gorgeous background in one of the wild animals in their Colors of Praise Wild Animals club.

Serendipity Needlework is doing a stitch in on Zoom.  Details here on Facebook.

Jody Valentine is posted videos on her Jody Designs-Needlepoint Facebook page.

Here's a bit about how shops are adjusting to social isolation.

The American Needlepoint Guild is posting free tips and small designs on their website.  The first item posted is a nice Sue Reed design, the second a small Pat Mazu ornament.

Colour Complements is selling a thread kit with a free design, and there should be enough thread to stitch it twice so you can play around with where you put the colors or you can do two of something in case you have sisters or two buddies you want to stitch for.

Enriched Stitch is doing a cyber class using the free Zoom app or a Chrome browser with your microphone and camera to participate.  There is no fee to do this but you'll have to buy the kit.

Enriched Stitch has also posted a list of kits that are available with stitch guides.  These are in stock as of today, but who knows about tomorrow?

Debbie Rowley is doing a brand new design called Quilt Block 1 as a stitch-a-long.  Here are the details:

Debbie had so much fun doing the free chart above that she's started another called Spring Quilt Block.

Debbie Rowley is doing a third free design, this time for Harlequin Dance Redux.

Sign of the Arrow is doing a Stitch Away Stress three part class with a free stitch guide for the Kirk and Bradley Yellowstone travel ornament.

There's a free design for a needlepoint lips face mask but I question how practical this is.  It probably is just for show since constant laundering face masks needs won't work well for a needlepoint canvas.

The American Needlepoint Guild is posting weekly free charts they call Hold Up Minis.  These are available to non-members, too.