Sunday, September 30, 2012

Consult the Professionals

Robin reminds us to consult with our framer before finishing a piece, just in case!   By the way, the example she uses to illustrate this point is her newest class, Needle Deeva's "Flowers in a Vase."

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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How to Open a Skein of Soy Luster

I happen to like Soy Luster (a single strand of thread made from soy; 2-3 strands covers well on 18 count, depending on your stitch) but let me tell you, opening a skein can be like opening one of the joke cans that has a spring inside.  I opened a skein to use for a geisha's hair once and it immediately tangled into a huge mess.  (Made beautiful hair, though.)  Fortunately, Dream House Ventures has posted a video that shows you how to open the skein without pain.

Here are all the pretty colors, by the way.  Soy Luster comes in solid or shaded colors.

Closeup of Soy Luster Hair, Anne Jerlow Canvas

And here is my geisha's Soy Luster hair.  It's a thread perfect for the texture of hair, fur, tree bark, and certain types of clothing effects.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Metallic Scissors

Lantern Moon has new serrated scissors for sale.   Needle in a Haystack has photos on their blog if you are interested.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Queen of Bullions Speaks

I just noticed that Gay Ann Rogers' bullions booklet is for sale on her website. This 18 page publication is full of information and diagrams about stitching bullion knots.   She uses a lot of bullions in her designs so this booklet is intended to help her students.  I am not sure how long this will be available so if you are interested, act now.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Magnetic Genius UPDATED

Robin King is a genius! She's come up with the perfect way to display all those needle magnets I love to collect.  Right now the ones not holding various needles on my current canvases live stuck together in my stitching drawer.  Robin has a much better way to store and organize them.

Last week I got a nice email from Lisa at Accoutrement Designs, the makers of those fun Mag Friend needle magnets, too many of which live on my canvases.  Lisa's offered to send a magnet to CH so that I could give it away to Blog readers.  You can see many of the Mag Friends on the Accoutrement Designs website but an even better place to explore is the Accoutrement blog (second link).

If you have received your Sept-Oct. Needlepoint News (I haven't-SOB!) there is an article about the company in this new issue.

Scroll down at the link below to see the new witch magnet, which is the one I have courtesy of Lisa to give away.  She has a yellow face and purple hair, like all wicked witches.   With Halloween stitching going full blast, she is going to be a perfect stitching companion.

I'll do a random drawing of folks who either post a Comment here or email me directly at chillyhollow at hotmaildotcom on October 1st so that the winner has Miss Witch in plenty of time for Halloween.

UPDATE:  Miss Witch has arrived at her new home.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Ever Heard of Balger Braid?

The whole time I've been buying threads I've found Balger Braid here and there in shops, in the same spools that Kreinik uses. I thought Balger was an early type of Kreinik metallic.   Turns out I was sort of right.  Here's the whole story, straight from Doug Kreinik, with an easy to remember way to know how to pronounce "Kreinik" to boot!

Since we are talking Kreinik, I thought you'd like to see the storage system Tisha worked out for her smaller Kreinik spools.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Belleza's Orange Flowers Finished

Day of the Dead Design by Manuel Salas

I've finished the orange flowers on either side of Belleza's earrings.  The petals are bugle beads and the centers are needle felted.  I thought you'd like to see how they turned out.  This is the simplest needle felting possible but good practice for more complicated needle felting shapes.  I'll try something a little more complex on another canvas.

If you are interested in other dimensional techniques such as those found in stumpwork, you will be interested in Kelly Clark's new stumpwork sampler canvas. There is a kit with the Ultrasuede you'll need and a booklet about the techniques as well as a painted canvas.  (Be careful, though, as Kelly has several sampler canvases and you want your shop to order the right one which is KCA 021-18.)  I don't know if the painted canvas, booklet and Ultrusuade kit are available separately or what the costs are.  None of that information is available yet as this is so new, it's not on any shop websites that I could find.

This is Belleza, distributed by Tapestry Fair
Here is Belleza today.  I've worked on some smaller areas like the neckline of her tunic that I've not talked about that are small but important to the overall look of the canvas.  I still need to work on her sleeve trim, the mirror, her necklace and the face tattoos, so there is still a lot to finish on this fun piece.  I'm shooting to have her done by Halloween but this is a busy time of year.  Will I make it?  Will Belleza be ready to scare the pants off trick or treaters?  Stay tuned!  LOL

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Holy Cow!

Rittenhouse has published their September newsletter.   It's full of photos of the hotel shop they set up and ran during the ANG Seminar in Philadephia. WOW!

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Need a Handbag?

Need a handbag?  On 40 Count Silk Gauze?  Now this is something totally different!  I've never seen miniature kits for purses before.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Learning to Needle Felt a Simple Shape: Part Two

Once I had my needle felting supplies, I was ready to experiment.  Remember, I have no idea about how needle felting works, I am just figuring out how to use wool roving, my felting needles and the foam block to create a brown button for the center of my flower.   If you have done needle felting, feel free to add tips to the Comments section below or email me at chillyhollow athot maildot com and I'll post for you.

IMPORTANT SAFETY TIP:  Needles for needle felting are both sharp and covered with barbs from the tip up about an inch along the shaft.  DO NOT use them on a table without the foam block and don't try needle felting when you are likely to be distracted.  It is really going to hurt if you poke your fingers with this needle!  Do everything possible to keep that from happening!!

Since I was making two flower centers, I pulled two pieces of brown wool roving from the roving batt, making sure they were both about the size of a quarter.  I had watched several YouTube videos of how to needle felt shapes, so I knew to fold my roving into the rough shape I wanted, and that's what I did.  I laid one of the pieces on my foam block and started poking it with one of the needles, trying to push it into a denser and smaller disk.  I'd heard that it was better to push the needle through the roving at a 90 degree angle to lessen the pressure on the needle so it wouldn't break as easily so I started out poking my wool roving in an up and down fashion.  I was sure glad I bought the needles with plastic covers on the end after a bit as they were easier to hold when you are needling for a long time.

After two-three minutes of poking the wool with my barbed needle, the disc was a little denser and smaller.  I started folding the edge of my disc under and poking along the edge, trying to make a rounded edge and a thicker disk that way.  Occasionally I would roll he disk with my fingers, trying to shape it better.  Fold, poke for a minute, turn the disk a bit, fold under the edge again, poke for a minute, turn, repeat.  After about 25 minutes of this, I had a rounded shape that was almost a quarter inch larger than the size of my paper pattern.  It was thicker and denser than the wool roving I'd started with since the needle action pushed and matted it together.  I put my felting disk and needles aside and took out my piece of felt, cutting a rectangle a bit smaller than the foam block that came with the needle felting kit.

Holding the disk while pushing into the felt with the needle

I put the felt on top of the block and my wool roving disk on top of the felt.  Then I continued to poke the wool roving as before except now I was trying to bond the disk to the black felt.  I couldn't turn under the edge any more but I could poke it from the side with my needle, trying to push it into the middle. Of course this slant is harder on the needle so I was careful and didn't push it so far into the foam block underneath the felt and the roving.  In the photo above you see the wool button I am making and the needle slant I was starting to use, plus the paper pattern that is my size reference.

It took me another 30 minutes to push and shove and poke the brown roving into a button that was the right size to be the flower center.  In other words, one flower center took an hour. This is a very basic shape so you can see a more complex shape like a squirrel or cat or dog will take a while.

Felting block, felt, needle angles and the beaded orange flower where the center goes
The next morning I did the second flower center exactly the same way. It took half an hour to create the basic shape and another half hour to bond that shape to the felt and finish making it smaller by poking the edges at an angle, just like flower center #1.  Now I had two centers bonded to felt.  I cut them out and plan to sew them to the center of my flowers. I think some shapes can probably be done right onto NP canvas, especially if you put felt UNDER the canvas but I haven't tried that yet.  More experimentation is needed before I try that.  Also. I wanted to be certain my poking wouldn't disturb any finished areas on my Belleza canvas.    As you can see above, the felted flower center is going in the middle of a LOT of beads.  Once I finish beading flower #2 I'll show you a photo.

I think using the thick felt as a base is not necessary.  The thinner felt I can get at the fabric store will probably work ok, even though it isn't 100% wool.  Anyone else have an opinion on this?

I think also some folks needle felt right onto NP canvas but I'm not sure about that.  Has anyone else tried this?

I discovered that even though my two needles appear to be the same size and are unmarked, one works better at creating the basic shape using the up and down action and the other works better at an angle to prod the basic shape into a smaller and denser button.  I ended up switching needles when I switched needle angles.

It looks like more complex shapes are built by adding rolls of different colors and shapes as you see in this video of a stand alone owl.  But that is a topic to explore later on another canvas.

Hope this helps you figure out needle felting so you can try it yourself.  Be careful with the needles!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chart Correction for Needle Delights

If you have the brand new chart for Needle Delights' Pandora's Boxes you'll want to make note of this correction.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Learning to Needle Felt a Simple Shape: Part One

For the orange flowers on either side of Belleza's earrings, I wanted to pair bugle beads with a needle felted center.   Beads are very sparkly so to both calm them down and to highlight the sparkle, I will use needle felted wool centers among the flower petals.  But first I have to learn how to needle felt.

To do so, I went shopping for needle felting supplies at the big box craft stores in my area.  I discovered that in my area Michael's and Hobby Lobby carry the same brands of felting supplies so I bought a needle felting kit at the place it was on sale and bought wool roving at the other place where I had a coupon and their selection of roving colors was better.  Here's what I came home with--

Needle Felting Supplies
I bought 100% wool black felt, which is about double the thickness of felt you get at the fabric store.  I bought the needle felting tool set, which has two needles and a block of foam that you use as the base for felting so you don't put holes in your table.  I bought a package of two shades of brown wool roving (that's the wool batting you see).  I made a copy of my canvas and cut out the center of the flower so I had a paper pattern to use to make sure my two flower centers were the same size (that's the yellow dot laying under the polka dot leaf which I found on my front porch this morning).

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Antique Stitching Tools

Are you fascinated by antique needlework tools?  Quail Run is!

Gay Ann Rogers has a few copies of her Silver Thimbles book available from her website, in case you are interested.

She also has pages about thimbles, sewing tools and thimble collecting on her old website.  Here's the home page.  Choose a section and browse.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Too Cute to Spook UPDATED BY ROBIN

Barbara Bergsten isn't an orange, purple and black kind of gal. Come to think about it, neither am I!  Try not to giggle too hard (you'll fall off your chair) when you go to see how she is colorizing Halloween.

UPDATE:   Robin's take on it all--

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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New Things to Ponder

There are all sorts of things for you to ponder as you make your list of Must Have items for Santa.  Laura Perin is going to do her Harvest Time cyberclass again!

The latest Needlepoint Now is out!  If yours hasn't arrived yet (mine hasn't--BIG POUT) you can at least glimpse the fun in store at PFOS's blog.

Speaking of cyberclasses, Cyperpointers (the online chapter of ANG) has released their popular Ruby Ribbons fundraiser.  You can order an eBook or CD version here.

Need a new laying tool?  Quail Run has found some fun acrylic ones with easy-to-hold wooden handles.

Fireside Stitchery has lovely laying tools they make.  Here's a good photograph.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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The Updated Alison Cole

The most beautiful goldwork book I own is by Alison Cole, so I was thrilled to learn she's updated her website with lots of inspiring photographs of her terrific stitching.   Set aside plenty of time to browse!

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Monday, September 24, 2012

The Happy Frame Weight

Absolutely Needlepoint's crab frame weights are starting to come back from the finisher. This was a class on various stitches taught at Absolutely Needlepoint based on the cheerful canvases from Barbara Bergsten.  You can still order the instructions.

Or you can choose your own favorite design and stitch from your stash, making up stitches or using Barbara's stitches diagrammed on her website as you go.

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Snap Trays and Frame Weights UPDATED

Hey! They MATCH!

You can find snap trays and the coordinating frame weights at all sorts of shops.  A quick search turned up these varieties.

So which ones do you like?

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Photography Tips

By chance I found two separate sources for tips on taking photographs and videos of our stitching. Mary Corbet does a lot of photographs and videos of her stitching for her fabulous website, so I was eager to look behinds the scenes at her setup.

The Shop Sampler has links to great photography tips, always important if you are taking photos of your stitching.

Hope all this helps you share your stitching.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Counted Canvaswork Goes Wild

In today's needlepoint version of Girls Gone Wild, instead of removing our shirts, needlepointers are taking multiple Needle Delights charts and stitching them as one large piece.  The results are entrancing!

If you are inspired to follow their example, you can browse Kathy's website, then order from your local shop.

If you don't have a Local, then visit Scarlet Thread where Sara Leigh will beguile you with photos of thread packs, charts and great customer service.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Nativities on Display

I love Nativity sets. They really speak to me, so I was thrilled when Stephanie showed off the sets she's finished and the ones that are in her stash, waiting their turn.

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Why Are You Looking at My Backside?

Mary says what I think about the back side of needlepoint better than I ever could!

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

September 22

I know I've overdone it with postings today but how can I resist when both Vicky DeAngelis and Robin King celebrate the Autumn Equinox with a blog posting?!  I sure don't want to wait until Autumn Equinox 2013 to post these!

Vicky celebrates by posting her favorite fall canvases.

Robin celebrates by charting us a fabulous fall pumpkins and wheat sheaves stitch!  She originally created it for the background of her Katt Z. Witch (which I personally think of as Hermonine Granger).  I might have to add this stitch guide to my collection.  There are a lot of fun tips in it I could use elsewhere....

Happy Autumn Equinox!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Dreaming in Color

Kaffe Fassett's autobiography is available in bookstores now!   He is better known for his textile and knitting design, but his needlepoint books are wonderful.  The man understands color and using one's eyes better than anyone else I know.

Finding Glorious Needlepoint in a bookstore in 1989 was like being hit by lighting.   I'll never forget that moment!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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French Needlepoint from Carolyn

Carolyn Hedge Baird takes us on a tour of the home of a friend of hers, which happens to be an apartment in France!

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Don't Be A Snail!

Michele at Bristly Thistle reminds stitchers the Christmas finishing deadlines are upon us with this charming Christmas snail from Kirk and Hamilton (the masters of the unexpected).   AND there is a bonus tip from the fabulous SharonG about choosing threads for open stitches like T stitch!

Speaking of finishing and deadlines, here is a similar note from The Needlepointer.  Stitch faster!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Perf Paper

Simple samplers on perforated paper used to be staples at antique shops when I was small. I remember seeing lots of variegated red letters with solid green accents on them.  "Home Sweet Home" was very popular, as was "Welcome" and "Sleep in the Arms of Jesus."  Now there is a new company selling very high quality perforated paper for various small items like ornaments, bookmarks, name place settings, etc.

Sage Stitchworks used to sell perforated paper motto sampler kits but the company has gone out of business. Luckily they still maintain a blog with examples.  These are as close to what I remember seeing as a young adult forty years ago as I can find.

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Janet's Floor Stand

I thought you'd like to see the wooden floor stand that Janet Granger uses. Janet's in the UK and as a silk gauze designer, she uses different equipment than most of us, but it is still interesting to see how she uses her frame and the accessories she has chosen to aid her.  I think the most important thing in choosing a stand is how one likes to stitch.  Will the stand you are considering work with your favorite stitching chair, light source and accessories?

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

On the Road with Vicky in Miami UPDATED

Vicky is teaching in Miami and visiting the Florida Keys, a part of the U.S. I know well, thanks to Beloved's growing up in Miami.   Islamorada is my favorite town in the Keys, Vicky.  Next time....


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Have You Forgotten Belleza?

Now that my Top Secret project is finished for Baltimore, it's time to bring Belleza back out and finish her. While I was stitching Top Secret, I decided what I wanted to do with the purple flower. It is going to take me some time to try my idea, so I thought you'd like to see the latest Day of the Dead canvas from Manuel Salas while you wait and speculate on what I'll do to the purple flower. Tapestry Fair has the newest Salas painted and will be working on its companion piece shortly.

You probably will also enjoy Sundance Design's tutorial on making flowers from silk ribbon, beads and sequins. Maybe I'll use their ideas later.   After all, I still have the small orange flowers on either side of Belleza's earrings to stitch.

Purple Flower Finished!

Ok, the suspense is over.  Here is Belleza's purple flower, done in woven picots with purple bicone crystals.  Now for the orange flowers.  For that I'm going to teach myself needle felting.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Robin's Last of TNNA Baltimore

Robin has been so busy since she returned from the TNNA show in Baltimore that she is just now reporting on what she saw and did and ate there.   First, she saw lots of wonderful things, from her newest Needle Deeva piece to new magnets from Accoutrement Designs, new canvases from Barbara Bergsten, new Viola bags with NP straps, and of course more of the wonderful variety of Keep Calm canvases from Unique New Zealand.

Then if that wasn't enough, Robin went to Bedecked and Beadazzled and taught.  (And bought--what can I say?  I would have, too!)

She's not the only great teacher they've just had visiting.  The weekend after the trade show Brenda Hart was there.

deep sigh
Wish we all were there....

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Boxes and More Boxes

I've been thinking about boxes to insert stitching in ever since the Needle Art Nut began to think about a box for her SharonG scissors canvas.  After all, we aren't all going to be lucky enough to have a painted box by our mother to use!

Sudberry is the classic source for boxes.

HP Designs has lovely lacquered ones.

Stitchers' Workshop makes wonderful custom boxes.

So does Lee of Patt and Lee Designs.

Surely there's a box for us all in the above?  Do you know of other great places to find stitching boxes?

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Halloween and Needlepoint

Now that the hot summer weather is turning more into autumn weather in Chilly Hollow, I am thinking about Halloween needlepoint, probably because I just stitched a Halloween piece for Leigh Designs and am back working on my Day of the Dead lady.  I'm not the only one, as you can see from this Living the Good Life posting.

Mer and Diane have several new Halloween pieces.

Ruth shows off her past counted thread pieces for the holiday.

Nimble Needle is also getting in the Halloween mood.  How about you?

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Latest Mystery Is...

Ruth Schmuff has announced her next Mystery class.  I'm not going to describe it except to say it is a Zecca design.  Click here to see!

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fighting Cancer with Needlepoint

Anne shows off the Fenway pillow that raised money for the Jimmy Fund.  If you aren't a baseball fan, you won't know the Boston Red Sox and all the other New England sports teams concentrate their charity work on a fund that helps sick kids.

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The Good Luck Amulet

I had to look "hamsa" up when I found this stitched Hamsa model by Pepita.  The dictionary says this is a stylized hand shaped good luck amulet thought to be derived from religions in the Middle East and Northern Africa.

If you follow the links, there are several other Hamsa canvases.  They are perfect for lovers of ethnic designs or just for someone who needs a little extra luck in their lives.  Thanks for opening my eyes, Pepita!

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Visiting PFOS

Tisha just got back from a Julia Snyder retreat at Pocket Full of Stitches (PFOS) and treated us to a peek inside the shop that I think ignited the craze for monthly clubs.

By the way, here's PFOS' website.

And here is more about the retreat.

Since we are talking PFOS, here are some of the latest Rebecca Wood Christmas ornaments they just got in stock.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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The Candy Cane Addicts UPDATED

I have a friend who is addicted to the small Melissa Shirley cracker canvases (she stitches one a week during her long commute), and now it looks like there is another group of addicts: The Candy Cane Crew!  These are all from Carol Dupree.  I think her work is distributed by Susan Roberts.

UPDATE:  Dale joins the Candy Cane Addicts.

And the Young Needlepointer is an addict, too.

I think some of these are Dupree custom designs but Needle Works carries them with various Texas college symbols.  Browse all her canvases to see what is in stock.

I love the sweet faces of Carol Dupree's angels but I confess I never noticed the candy canes before.  Thanks for the tip, Candy Cane Crews!

P.S.  There is a tote bag ornament addict here, too!

The little beach bag totes are from Linda Lahm.  You can see the entire series here.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Celebration of Needlework

Celebration of Needlework starts next week in St. Charles, Missouri. If you happen to be in the area, this counted thread and cross stitch show will be great fun.

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More News from Baltimore

Scarlet Thread continues to show off the latest counted thread designs from Kathy Rees (Needle Delights) on their blog.  As is their habit, the threads for the various colorways are right there for you to drool over.

Speaking of threads, The Thread Gatherer highlights their Sheep's Silk (silk-wool blend) and says they will have wool fabric dyed to match sometime this fall at their Etsy shop.  (I didn't know they had an Etsy shop either!)

Needle Nicely sums up the Baltimore trade show with a little bit of history and a peek at some of the new times that will be in the shop shortly.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Donna's Stars is a Star

I love the color pink, so of course Donna's finished and framed Stars for the New Millennium is something I adore.

Lovely!  I hope to have the time to finish mine late this fall or early this winter.  Maybe.

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New Classes UPDATED

There are a lot of new classes being announced for the fall.   BeStitched is planning a Bike Tour, featuring the bicycle canvases by Melissa Shirley.

They also have the Winter Girl class planned for October.

River Silks has collected class announcements from all over, since all the classes feature their silk ribbons.  Want to learn to use ribbon?  Then one of these classes may be just perfect for you.

Plan to teach a beginner's class?  Or just have someone who wants to learn hanging around?  Maybe one of these Stitch-It's "Starters" canvases is just right for your beginner.

Watch to stitch a Challenge canvas?  Here are the details and the latest canvas in the Stitcherie challenge.

By the way, Susan is going to do her fabulous needlebook class again this fall.

UPDATE:  No sooner did this article publish than The Needlepointer announced signups for their Fall 2012 and Winter and Spring 2013 retreats.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Brenda Stofft Designs

Brenda Stofft has a brand new website at a new address.  It's not completely finished yet (she's still working at getting it up to date) but she is also putting her designs on her Facebook page.  If you have a FB account, you can check there also.  Just search for Brenda Stofft Designs there.!home/mainPage

Bookmark her site as Google can't find it yet.  That takes a while.

By the way, you can see some of Brenda's new Halloween pieces plus some Melissa Shirley classics on The Nimble Needle's site.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Show and Tell

Want to see some terrific finishing? Here you go!

Denise shows off the model from the Seminar class she just took from Debbie Stiehler.

The Needlepointer shows off some wonderful customer pieces they've recently finished.

Do you like candy apples?  No?  I think you'll make an exception for this one!

Summer isn't finished stitching her Royal Santa (Amanda Lawford) but she has finished some important sections.  Lovely!

Linda isn't finished with her And More sayings piece, either, but she's chosen a very clever way of embellishing it that I had to share.

Ever wonder how one of those big canvases is built?  A little at a time!

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Suddenly I Am Hungry

Mer discovered this wonderful photograph of finished Needle Deeva Halloween cupcakes.  They all come with a stitch guide from the incomparable Cynthia Thomas, too!

If you go to the Needle Deeva model photo page, you can see each individual cupcake.


[Jane exits, muttering she needs more TIME!]

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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A Rant

What the writer said had me applauding.  She is an expert in historial and ecclesiastical embroidery but what she says certainly applies to all sort of handwork.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Needle Art 2012

Although not as well known as the Woodlawn Plantation needlework exhibit, the show each year at Montpelier Museum in Maryland also is a great place to see and exhibit needlework.

You can read more about the November show here and find out about the Needle Arts retreat going on at the same time.

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A Little House with Needlepoint

Carolyn has done another house tour, this time to a small Texas farm house that belongs to her sister that looks to be full of stitching, family and good food.

Then she moves on to a house full of stitching on the California coast.  Wonderful!

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Stitching Studio is Back from Baltimore

The Stitching Studio is back home in Richmond, with plenty of new goodies. You can see a partial list and a few photos here.

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You Were Warned!

Pocket Full of Stitches is getting ready to welcome folks to their annual retreat.

See that second photograph?  Know what those are?  Those are personalized bins ready to be filled with goodies during the Julia Snyder class.   My advice to the retreat goers would be to not take all their credit cards!!!!

Here are more photos from the retreat.

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Evertite Safety Warning (with Beading Thread)

Tisha has a new collection of beading thread, a padded hammer for stitchers, and a warning about assembling Evertites.  I have a warning of my own.  Swallow your beverage before you click on the link and read.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

TNNA Baltimore on Facebook, in the Classroom and Elsewhere

If you have a Facebook account, check out the photos from Baltimore posted at these sites: Melissa Shirley Designs, Needles and Threads of Ruxton,

Just log into your FB account and search on the names exactly as I typed them above, then look at their photo albums and wall postings.

As part of the festivities, Bedecked and Beadazzled had Robin King over to teach.

Bristly Thistle posted the framed Old Crows that Sandy Arthur and I stitched for Leigh Designs. They make a wonderful pair!

Sara Leigh has posted more about new counted canvaswork pieces.  This time Debbie Rowley's work is showcased.

Finally, Vicky is home and able to post some of the photos she took various places at the Baltimore show.  What fun!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Doug's in Town

Doug Kreinik is bringing his silk and metal thread show to The Needlepointer September 21-22. If you will be near the shop during that time, sign up for his presentation. You'll have a blast, guaranteed!

Here's a bit more about what to expect.  Remember to tell Doug from me that if I were stranded on an island with only one thread, Kreinik would be it.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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The Linda Report

Linda managed to come home again after a trip to the Aristeia retreat and then a trip to ANG's Seminar in Philadelphia.  It looks like she had a fabulous time!

Personally I just would have stayed....

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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YouTube Channel for Stitchers

If you post videos to YouTube you can set up a "channel" which is a place where all your videos are visible so folks can see all of them if they wish. BeStitched has a YouTube channel, with lots of fun things to watch. Here's the link.  Have fun browsing!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

More Reports from Baltimore

Because I stitch painted canvases, not counted canvaswork, I feel I shortchange my counted friends here at Blog a little. Hope today's report of new things from Baltimore makes up for my neglect.  It's a showstopper featuring Kurdy Brigg's Threedles designs.  Please don't trample each other in the rush to buy "Christmas 2012"!

Quail Run has fallen in love with the Sew Much Fun 3-D Halloween figures.  It isn't hard to see why.

Accoutrement Designs has posted a few photos of magnets they took to Baltimore.  These are things that aren't likely to be widely available, so keep your eyes open at your local shop if they went to Baltimore.

I expect there will be other things posted later today.  I'll update this article tonight after supper if there are. But for now, let's finish our coffee and the day will begin.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Quail Run Equals Newsletter Fun

Quail Run is giving Amy Bunger's newsletters a run for their money when it comes to useful ideas and fun classes.  Here's the September newsletter, in their brand new format.  This issue talks about finishing and gives tips to follow to get the finishing you want.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Marnie Does It Again

I love Marnie Ritter's designs. Her stitches are all unique and the combinations she comes up with are stunning. Pour yourself a cup and sit down with me and drool at these two purses from Needle Bug.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Thanks to Stephanie, I discovered that Stitch Therapy lists their bestselling painted canvases on the right side of their home page.   It's fun to see what people are buying, but remember, this is just what this site is selling and there may be only a few copies being sold of the top three.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Monday, September 10, 2012

TNNA Baltimore: Sunday Update

The very latest from TNNA in Baltimore includes the latest from PJs and Chocolate, which is Patt and Lee Designs' hand painted canvases. Think cats, Christmas and patchwork!

Quail Run has found new Gloriana colors, and...

...a new series of NP necklaces from Beth Gantz Designs.

Needle Works is busy shopping but Colleen took a little time out to share photos of some of the goodies she's admired.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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The Old Crows and More from Baltimore TNNA

The Old Crows are available for viewing on the Leigh Designs website. My Night Rider and Sandy Arthur's Night Cap also have photos of the models we did for Leigh Designs. Click on the photo of the bare canvas to see the stitched versions when you arrive at those canvases.

The photo above of Night Rider shows the brown marbling on the sage green canvas well.  All the Old Crows have metallic paint although that is hard to see in the photos.  These are 10x10 designs on 18 count canvas.  Because this series has stitch guides ready to order, I also put information and another photo of Night Rider on the CH Stitch Guides blog.  Ride the magic carpet or follow the link, your choice.

Kristine Kingston (who lives in the Baltimore area, lucky girl) has a lovely long report of everything she's seen at Market, including a booklet and canvas from Kelly Clark that talks about the stumpwork techniques she uses.  This is a nice long report. Bless you, Kristine!

Sara Leigh has added lots of new counted canvaswork pieces to her site, along with her trademark photos of the threads needed.  That makes it just that much more tempting, doesn't it?  Don't miss the new Kurdy Briggs!

Quail Run  has found a magic wand.  Wonder if it is related to my magic carpet?  LOL

Vicky is still eating.   You know, now I am hungry!  If you'll excuse me a minute....

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Visiting Garden Gate Needlepoint

Tisha of Needlepoint Tool Time is on the move! Fortunately she took photos of her visit to Garden Gate Needlepoint in Corvina.

Here's the shop website.  Have fun Tisha, and don't forget to come home safe!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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An Amazing DMC Color Card

I happen to have an old DMC color card, the kind with the real thread samples. I treasure it and use it all the time in mail order thread shopping. These are not available any more but Meredith didn't let that stop her.  She made her own color block project.

Anyone who has most of the DMC colors on hand could make their own color card, couldn't they?  It would be a fantastic and fun tool.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Cat is Out of the Bag UPDATED

The cat is out of the bag and the surprise is over!  Both Needle Works and Bristly Thistle have posted photographs of Leigh Designs' latest series, which is called Old Crows.

I stitched Night Rider (the one with the witch ball) while Sandy Arthur stitched Night Cap (the one with the cocktail). We've both done stitch guides for these canvases, too.  Your shop can order them from Leigh when they order the painted canvases.  My guides are available directly from me as well.

UPDATE:  You can see Sandy's version and mine here, thanks to Quail Run.  There will be a better photo Monday when Leigh posts photos of all the Old Crow series on her website.  (Hint:  Sandy uses a lot of silk ribbon on her leaves while mine are all silk and beads.)

To see more, check the Chilly Hollow Stitch Guides Blog on Monday morning when I'll post photos and the link to the Leigh Designs website so you can see them all better.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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TNNA Baltimore: Saturday Reports UPDATED A THIRD TIME

Quail Run is back, reporting on new items they've seen at Market.   There are new colors and a slightly different shape for the Namaste Needle Buddy boxes.

There are also new needle magnets available.

Plus they've found three sizes of rhinestone "chains" for embellishment.

Bristly Thistle has taken photos of the newest Alice Peterson canvases and...

UPDATE: #3:  Here are more Alice Petersons. things from J. Child.

UPDATE:  Quail Run has found a new type needle minder and Vicky has eaten crab!

By the way, if you have a Facebook account, look for River Silks Ribbon.  They are posting photos of the TNNA show there.

UPDATE #2:   KreinikGirl is posting photos to her Twitter page.  Here's the link which I could see even not logged into Twitter.  (Yes, I have a Twitter account and no, I've never used it.)!/KreinikGirl/media/slideshow?

Robin is also eating crab and looking at magnets, this time from Accoutrement Designs.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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